Custom Query (310 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#168 Remove test GEM1 ERFs that don't work from apps Kevin Milner defect blocker OpenSHA 1.2 sha
#425 Bug in ScenarioShakeMapLocal defect blocker sha
#9 Comprehensive unit testing Peter Powers enhancement critical OpenSHA 1.0 commons
#40 Clarify how Tectonic Region is being applied in Hazard Curve Apps Kevin Milner defect critical OpenSHA 1.1 sha
#92 Remove model from Attenuation Relationship Plotter Kevin Milner defect critical OpenSHA 1.1 sha
#144 AttenuationRelApp nightlies crashing on startup Peter Powers defect critical OpenSHA 1.2 sha
#154 ScenarioShakeMapApp crash Kevin Milner defect critical OpenSHA 1.2 sha
#275 Verify that unit tests are running properly Kevin Milner defect critical OpenSHA 1.2 sha
#315 Remove GEM logos from our applications Peter Powers defect critical OpenSHA 1.2 sha
#332 Compound rupture surfaces needed to support multi fault ruptures Kevin Milner task critical OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#339 Incorrect anchor in ShakeMap gridded regions Kevin Milner defect critical OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#390 new RuptureSurface distance methods are not thread safe defect critical OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#391 Bug in GriddedSubsetSurface's distance X calculation defect critical OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#408 Problem with EvenlyDiscretizedFunc.getXIndex(double x) Peter Powers defect critical OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#437 can't check out OpenSHA defect critical sha
#441 EnumParameter doesn't implement setIndividualParamValueFromXML, cannot be set from XML defect critical OpenSHA 1.3 commons
#461 Servlets not updated on production tomcat instance defect critical OpenSHA 1.4 commons
#470 AttenuationRelationship assumes that func.get(i).setLocation(x,y) will update underlying func (CRITICAL) Kevin Milner defect critical sha
#1 Add donut Regions Peter Powers enhancement major GEM1 commons
#2 Transition remaining glossary items Peter Powers task major Website transition website
#3 Transition remaining top level pages Peter Powers task major Website transition website
#4 Build application distribution pages Peter Powers task major Website transition website
#5 Transition remaining ERFs Peter Powers task major Website transition website
#7 Merge donut Region to trunk Peter Powers task major OpenSHA 1.0 commons
#8 Migrate to Java 6 Peter Powers task major OpenSHA 1.0 sha
#13 fix RelativeLocation.getLocation(Loc, Dir) sign problem Peter Powers defect major GEM1 commons
#19 Update Atten. Rel. Plotter app Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.1 build-process
#24 Clarify IM ParameterAPI/DependentParameterAPI ambiguity Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.2 sha
#26 Add disclaimer to all apps Kevin Milner task major OpenSHA 1.0 sha
#27 Remove dependence on CachedRowSetImpl Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.0 commons
#29 Create dates are incorrect somebody defect major component1
#30 Cruise Control continuous JUnit tests should pass so that we know when something is broken Kevin Milner defect major build-process
#33 get spam filter working Kevin Milner enhancement major website
#34 Create IMR that averages other IMRs Kevin Milner task major OpenSHA 1.1 sha
#35 testing a new ticket Kevin Milner defect major website
#39 Review Site Data apps, then put them on website Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.1 commons
#42 Vizualize Simulator output in SCEC-VDO Kevin Milner task major SCEC-VDO Plugins
#44 create XY_DatasetAPI parent of DiscretizedFuncAPI that accepts scatter data Kevin Milner task major commons
#45 Fix getAveStrike in FaultTrace Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.1 sha
#47 Add drupal code to opensha-www svn Peter Powers enhancement major OpenSHA 1.1 website
#52 nightly builds should not be kept in build/dist dir, only stored in /var/www/... Kevin Milner defect major build-process
#53 CyberShake deterministic curves don't work Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.1 cybershake
#71 problem with AS 2008 when rupWidth=0 Peter Powers defect major sha
#72 JavaDocs link doesn't work Peter Powers defect major website
#74 replace XYZ_DataSetAPI with new, more usable version Kevin Milner task major OpenSHA 1.1 commons
#76 fix pref data cron job Kevin Milner defect major fault DB
#77 add option to request pref data update Kevin Milner enhancement major fault DB
#79 add view info to fault plugins Kevin Milner task major SCEC-VDO Plugins
#80 make it possible to add new fault sources Kevin Milner enhancement major fault DB
#81 make it easy to edit multiple fault section colors at once Kevin Milner enhancement major SCEC-VDO Plugins
#84 relocate - doc - test calcMinMaxLatLon methods Kevin Milner task major OpenSHA 1.1 commons
#85 Depth to Vs params should allow null Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.1 sha
#87 Replace Help in Attenuation Relationship App, add Help to Hazard Curve Apps Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.1 sha
#88 Replace BugWindow with new version that links to trac ticket creating Kevin Milner task major OpenSHA 1.1 sha
#89 Secure codebase for public access Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.1 sha
#91 Button to save hazard curve and disagg results in haz curve app Kevin Milner enhancement major OpenSHA 1.1 sha
#95 write JUnit tests for TRT implementation in calculators Kevin Milner task major OpenSHA 1.1 sha
#98 Use enum to get IMR/ERF class names, names, and instantiate new instances. Peter Powers enhancement major OpenSHA 1.2 sha
#99 most recent curves don't always plot on top in apps Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.1 sha
#101 implement ZhaoEtAl tests and move IMR to main project Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.1 sha
#102 when fault sections are removed, they should be removed from fault/def models as well Kevin Milner defect major fault DB
#103 fix missing characters for ≥ and ≤ Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.2 sha
#107 XY_DataSetList should simply extend ArrayList<XY_DataSetAPI> Peter Powers task major OpenSHA 1.1 commons
#108 add google guava jar to build path Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.1 build-process
#109 resurrect ability to set all IMR params from web services (not just current IMR) Kevin Milner task major OpenSHA 1.1 sha
#110 bugs in CyberShake control panel Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.1 cybershake
#112 add loop animation option for simulator output display Kevin Milner enhancement major SCEC-VDO Plugins
#113 add animation info text to status bar Kevin Milner enhancement major SCEC-VDO Plugins
#114 move deformation model pages to drupal site, including xml/ascii files Peter Powers defect major website
#115 Add Nitin's modifications of gridded regions Peter Powers enhancement major OpenSHA 1.2 sha
#116 update scenario shakemap tutorial with changes to GUI Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.1 website
#117 Bug in ScenarioShakeMapServer Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.1 sha
#118 shakemap server app links are broken Peter Powers defect major website
#119 ConstrainedStringParameterEditor should handle case when the value of the param is null Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.1 commons
#120 add IM event set calculator to website Peter Powers defect major website
#121 site params not being set by setSite with MultiIMR_Averaged_AttenRel Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.1 sha
#122 MultiIMR_Averaged_AttenRel should have parameter for editing IMR weights Kevin Milner enhancement major OpenSHA 1.2 sha
#123 implement weighted list with editor Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.2 commons
#124 hazard curve apps should catch thread death exception on calc stop Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.1 sha
#125 Review and fix broken links Peter Powers defect major website
#128 add new simulator input files Kevin Milner defect major SCEC-VDO Plugins
#129 Build NSHM2008 California IMR Peter Powers enhancement major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#130 Create opensha-lite.jar Peter Powers task major OpenSHA 1.2 sha
#131 Review redundancy in distance calcualtions/PropEffect Peter Powers enhancement major OpenSHA 2.0 sha
#132 make sure parameters that are set to null save/load to/from XML correctly Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.2 commons
#134 Switch important parameter editors over to NewParameterEditor, then rename Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.2 commons
#135 fix WeightedListParameterEditor display problems Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.2 commons
#136 MultiIMR_Averaged_AttenRel class seems to be getting an error when setting default parameter for Other Parameters when it is not supported. For example, function tries setting Active Shallow Tectonic Region Type for an Attenuation, as the default value, when it is not supported by the Attenuation Relationship. Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.2 sha
#138 GMT plotter ignores custom scale label Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.2 commons
#139 increase efficiency for new XYZ/Geo datasets Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.2 commons
#141 Modify BugWindow to catch firewall related exceptions and display appropriate information Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.2 commons
#142 add option to create fault surfaces that preserve the original dimensions exactly Kevin Milner defect major SCEC-VDO Plugins
#143 add deformation model selection to the Sub Section 2.0/3.0 plugin Kevin Milner defect major SCEC-VDO Plugins
#145 Update Parameters to properly implement compareTo and equals Peter Powers enhancement major OpenSHA 1.2 sha
#146 Adjust longitude behavior in Location Peter Powers enhancement major OpenSHA 1.4 sha
#156 add type checking to isParameterSupported implementations for new parameter editors Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.2 commons
#157 Fixes/improvements to build process Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.2 build-process
#160 make jar cleanup script also delete old library nightlies Kevin Milner defect major build-process
#161 library download link incorrect Peter Powers defect major website
#165 Bug in IM event set calculator ver 3 Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.2 sha
#166 Revert UCERF2_Final to useing original distance calculation metrics Kevin Milner task major OpenSHA 1.2 sha
#167 Implement commons build based on ProGuard Kevin Milner task major build-process
#176 Fix NumberFormatExceptions in different locales from IMT_Info() Peter Powers enhancement major OpenSHA 1.2 sha
#180 Bug in HazardCurveServer Peter Powers defect major sha
#186 Bug in FaultSections Kevin Milner defect major fault DB
#230 XY_DataSet problem Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.2 sha
#232 Fault Section App loses aseismic slip factor values when editing Kevin Milner defect major fault DB
#234 Allow CyberShake --compare-to option to take in multiple run IDs Kevin Milner enhancement major cybershake
#236 Write command line CyberShake disaggretion calculator Kevin Milner task major cybershake
#238 include system/java info in automatic bug reports Kevin Milner task major commons
#243 Need to resolve distance reporting in disagg calculation before release Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#248 switch preffered fault data update nightly cron job to cruise control Kevin Milner defect major fault DB
#249 review discretized function equals method Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.2 commons
#251 improve update fault model so there's less chance of losing data Kevin Milner defect major fault DB
#253 catch NumberFormatException's that use commas Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.2 commons
#256 Make fault section prototyping/editing plugin Kevin Milner defect major SCEC-VDO Plugins
#259 Review IMT_Info's use of NumberFormat...necessary? Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.2 sha
#261 Java Web Start shortcuts launch apps offline, don't check for updates Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.2 build-process
#265 Add CSV save option for fault models in editing view Kevin Milner defect major fault DB
#266 Refactor Parameter Packages (names, move to impl) Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.2 commons
#271 Write JUnit tests for Portfolio Loss Exceedance Calculator Kevin Milner defect major sra
#272 Error in Frankel 2002 forecast Peter Powers defect major sha
#273 Add tests that instantiate ERFs and call updateForecast() Peter Powers enhancement major OpenSHA 1.2 sha
#274 Add tests that instantiate IMRs and call setParamDefaults() Peter Powers defect major sha
#278 fix site data servlet paths Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.2 commons
#279 Rename ERF interfaces to remove 'API' Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.2 sha
#280 Remove "API" from SiteDataAPI Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.2 commons
#281 remove API from Surface interfaces Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.2 commons
#282 Raname NamedObjectAPI -> Named Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.2 commons
#283 Named interface shouldn't extend Serializable Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.2 commons
#284 Rename Container2DAPI -> Container2D Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.2 commons
#285 Rename XY Dataset interfaces to remove API Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.2 commons
#286 E-mails should be sent out when continuous build tests fail Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.2 build-process
#287 upgrade cruise control to latest (2.8.3), improve configuration Kevin Milner defect major build-process
#288 Applications should use a combination of ServerPrefs and AttenRelRef to determine which IMRs to include Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.2 sha
#289 ERF Gui Bean doesn't show params when swithcing back to probabilistic from deterministic Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.2 sha
#290 An error message should pop up when ERFs fail, then just remove from list Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.2 sha
#291 Review DevStatus of ERFs before 1.2 release Peter Powers task major OpenSHA 1.2 sha
#294 Inprove CruiseControl project setup Kevin Milner defect major build-process
#295 NPE on setEqkRupture in AS 2008 Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.2 sha
#296 NSHMP08 setSite doesn't set site params Peter Powers defect major sha
#298 improve reporting of application used for bug reports Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.2 sha
#299 Fix SadighEtAl1997 Tests Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.2 sha
#300 Add rescale option to CPTs Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.2 commons
#301 create SCEC-VDO plugin for viewing geologic slip rate data from Excel file Kevin Milner defect major SCEC-VDO Plugins
#302 separate "line type" and "symbols" for curve plot types, accept any combiniation of the two Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.2 commons
#305 X asis log tick labels overlap with plot Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.2 sha
#307 Bug in FaultSections Kevin Milner defect major fault DB
#308 Add tests to pref data update to ensure that it suceeded Kevin Milner task major fault DB
#309 Investigate faster sparce matrix multiplication packages for Simulated Annealing Kevin Milner task major UCERF3
#310 Add participation rate viz to SCEC-VDO UCERF3 Inversion Plugin Kevin Milner task major SCEC-VDO Plugins
#312 Populate versions in trac, have automatically generated tickets reference current version Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.2 commons
#313 Histogram plotting problem Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.2 sha
#316 Refine NSHMP importer/parsers Peter Powers task major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#318 Add Preconditions to ERF_GuiBean & IMR_MultiGuiBean to make sure no duplicates, not null, etc Kevin Milner enhancement major OpenSHA 1.2 sha
#319 add batch processing to Site Data app Kevin Milner enhancement major OpenSHA 1.3 commons
#320 Bug in ScenarioShakeMapServer Peter Powers defect major sha
#323 fix bug in EvenlyDiscretizedFunction Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#324 unit tests for xy_dataset/function heirarchy Peter Powers task major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#325 EqkRupture incorrectly cast to ProbEqkRupture in deterministic hazard calculations Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#327 Replace LocationParameter Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.3 commons
#328 Fix bug with Hypocenter location not updating in Custom Eqk Rupture selection Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#329 DB password checking broken after update to commons-codec 1.5 Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.3 fault DB
#330 Disaggregation plots won't save Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#331 EqkRuptureFromERFSelectorPanel doesn't allow rupture index selection Kevin Milner defect major sha
#334 Implement general getFractionInside method and tests Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.3 commons
#335 NPE in Deterministic Calcs for Server Mode Applications Peter Powers defect major sha
#336 Resurrect BRC calculator application, create build Kevin Milner defect major sra
#337 Make ERF implement Iterable<ProbEqkSource> and ProbEqkSource implement Iterable<ProbEqkRupture> Kevin Milner enhancement major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#338 NPE on Hazus file create in Shake Map Application Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#340 Add ArrayList backed Point2DToleranceSortedList & tests to make ArbitrarilyDiscretizedFunction's faster Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.3 commons
#344 New Rupture Surface Representation Ned Field enhancement major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#347 Fix bugs in MFD plotter Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#348 remove get...Iterator() methods, replace with get list Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#349 Implement WG02 Fortran Wrapped ERF with servlets Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#350 Remove all RMI mentions, merge Local and Server mode applications Kevin Milner task major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#353 java Desktop class cannot be trusted for launching URLs Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#354 Modify UCERF2 to use it's own FaultSectionPrefData object Kevin Milner task major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#355 Bug in HazardSpectrumLocal Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#356 PGD no longer works in apps Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#357 modify FaultSectionPrefData Ned Field enhancement major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#360 IconFetcher causes apps to hang Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#362 Rupture Selector GUI Bean has off-by-one error in rupture index param constraint Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#363 Bug in BCR_Application Kevin Milner defect major sra
#364 Bug in LossEstimationApp Kevin Milner defect major sra
#365 InversionSolutionERF improvements Ned Field defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#366 Change NSHMP Utils classes to use Streams instead of Files Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#368 DistX calc with CompundGriddedSurface Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#369 Update FaultSectionPrefData XML methods to handle date/slip of last event Ned Field enhancement major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#370 make ObsEqkRupList extend ArrayList<ObsEqkRupture> defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#371 IMT gui bean can't handle immutable period lists Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#372 org.opensha.sha.gui.infoTools.CalcProgressBar Kevin Milner enhancement major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#373 EnumParameter cone() method doesn't set name or value defect major OpenSHA 1.3 commons
#374 AB2006_140 setParamDefaults doesn't correctly set Stress Drop parameter Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#375 Bug in HazardCurveLocal defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#379 Investigate various graph window exceptions defect major commons
#380 change how small distJB is handled in GriddedSurfaceUtilities Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#381 getInterpolatedY in EvenlyGriddedFunction should use math to find indices, not a loop enhancement major OpenSHA 1.3 commons
#382 GriddedGeoDataSet performance Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.3 commons
#383 RELM Region changes? Ned Field defect major sha
#384 ScenarioShakeMapLocal fails on launch defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#385 getInterpolatedY in ArbitrarilyDiscretizedFunction should use a binary search to find x ind before, not brute force enhancement major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#386 Bug in HazardCurveLocal defect major sha
#388 UCERF2 ignores "only background" setting for background seismicity defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#389 UCERF2 Time Dependent ERF Epistemic List doesn't allow setting the start year defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#392 Deal with thread safety of background seismicity/ERFs that reuse ProbEqkRupture objects defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#393 Unit tests for XY_DataSet implementations Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.3 commons
#394 address discrepancy of hasPoint(x, y) behaviour in XY_DataSet implementations defect major OpenSHA 1.4 commons
#395 Clean up documentation for XY_DataSet/DiscretizedFunc classes Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.4 commons
#397 Add capability to calculate RiskTargetedGroundMotion (RTGM) Peter Powers enhancement major sra
#398 fix UCERF2 thread safety Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#399 Reexamine default plot font sizes defect major OpenSHA 1.3 commons
#405 Disaggregation throws exception when attempting to disaggregate empty (all zeros) hazard curve defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#409 PEER Test Case Selector control panel Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#412 Bug in HazardSpectrumLocal defect major sha
#415 down dip spacing ignored in AbstractEvenlyGriddedSurface defect major OpenSHA 2.0 sha
#416 Changes to be made before UCERF3.3 defect major UCERF3
#420 Bug in HazardCurveLocal defect major sha
#422 Refactor GraphPanel/GraphWindow class defect major OpenSHA 1.3 commons
#423 Add subplot capability to GraphPanel enhancement major OpenSHA 1.3 commons
#424 Add text annotation capabilities to GraphPanel Kevin Milner enhancement major OpenSHA 1.3 commons
#428 IM Event Set Calculator - Problems with Vs30 defect major sha
#431 Improve Dashed and Dotted lines in JFreeChart plots Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.3 commons
#432 Add legend support to GraphPanel enhancement major OpenSHA 1.4 commons
#434 Add XYZ plotting capabilities Kevin Milner task major OpenSHA 1.3 commons
#436 Bug in HazardCurveServer defect major sha
#442 Bug in ScenarioShakeMapLocal defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#443 ERF.setParemeter(name, value) returns false when parameter not present, should throw exception defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#446 Finish QuadSurface implementation and tests defect major OpenSHA 1.4 sha
#447 Shutdown RMI and remove references to remote apps on prior to 1.3 release defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#448 Fix empty sources with UCERF3 Time Dependence and Aleatory Mag Variability enabled Ned Field defect major OpenSHA 1.3 UCERF3
#449 Update "Server Is Down" error message to include possibility of new release defect major OpenSHA 1.4 commons
#450 Make operational test check that released versions of servlets work defect major OpenSHA 1.4 build-process
#451 EnumParameter can't be serialized with servlets. defect major OpenSHA 1.4 sha
#452 Add latest CVM-H basin depth models, with and without geotechnical layer Kevin Milner enhancement major OpenSHA 1.4 commons
#453 NGA2 Wrapper Period Parameter inconsistencies defect major OpenSHA 1.4 sha
#457 Add solid bar option to PlotLineType enhancement major OpenSHA 1.4 commons
#458 Create Tornado Diagram plotting classes Kevin Milner enhancement major OpenSHA 1.4 commons
#460 Better plotting options for min/max and confidence intervals Kevin Milner enhancement major commons
#462 write class to fetch precomputed EALs for each rupture in a branch averaged solution Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.4 UCERF3
#463 Get better high resolution CA topography files Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.4 commons
#464 Add option for using histogram x values in plots instead of starting at zero defect major OpenSHA 1.4 commons
#465 new surface distance caching implementations Kevin Milner enhancement major OpenSHA 1.4 sha
#466 HazardCurveCalculator casts all curves to ArbitrarilyDiscretizedFunction but takes DiscretizedFunction defect major OpenSHA 1.4 sha
#468 Externalize discretized function interpolation implementations task major commons
#469 Bug in ScenarioShakeMapLocal defect major sha
#475 Compilation issue with Java 8 defect major OpenSHA 1.4 sha
#476 Create Attenuation Relationship Modification classes task major OpenSHA 1.4 sha
#477 Add cloning and moving methods to RuptureSurface Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.4 sha
#478 Checking out a branch defect major trac site
#479 Add option for dynamic memory detection to batch launch scripts enhancement major OpenSHA 1.4 commons
#481 Update simulator parsers/writers to version 0.6 task major OpenSHA 1.4 sha
#482 Reorganize simulator packages, separate parsers/writers from analysis code enhancement major OpenSHA 1.4 sha
#483 General_EQSim_Tools assumes section IDs are continuous defect major OpenSHA 1.4 sha
#485 Create framework for converting IM Components Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.4 sha
#487 Users with cached JNLP files for retired server mode applications do not get update notice Kevin Milner enhancement major OpenSHA 1.4 sha
#488 Add interpolation capabilities to GMT web service defect major OpenSHA 1.4 commons
#489 Add contour map capabilities to GMT web service defect major OpenSHA 1.4 commons
#492 Add NGAWest2's to Attenuation Relationship Plotter Kevin Milner enhancement major OpenSHA 1.4 sha
#496 Bug in HazardCurveLocal defect major sha
#508 Mag Freq Dist App won't plot after Clear-Plot Called defect major OpenSHA 1.4 sha
#511 Bug in GCIM_HazardCurve defect major sha
#516 CB_2014 long period coefficients incorrect Peter Powers defect major sha
#12 Update trac instructions Peter Powers enhancement minor GEM1 website
#14 Atten Rel Plotter printing bugs Kevin Milner defect minor OpenSHA 1.1 sha
#20 Remove DataPoint2D class Peter Powers enhancement minor OpenSHA 1.1 commons
#28 Wrong ticket dates scecsu defect minor component1
#31 remove remaining sun.* dependancies Kevin Milner defect minor commons
#32 fix cruise control log directory problem Kevin Milner defect minor build-process
#37 Improve CyberShake map making process Kevin Milner task minor cybershake
#38 Update JFreeChart, use JFreeChart's log axis Peter Powers defect minor OpenSHA 1.1 sha
#51 Clean up ParameterEditor class Peter Powers defect minor OpenSHA 1.2 commons
#69 Create independent build for org.opensha.commons Kevin Milner task minor OpenSHA 1.1 build-process
#78 Add ability to compute Dip Direction Kevin Milner defect minor fault DB
#100 Check and possibly reduce NGA test tolerances Peter Powers enhancement minor OpenSHA 1.1 sha
#111 add CPT color images to color scheme pick list Kevin Milner defect minor OpenSHA 1.2 commons
#126 Application launch page looks terrible in IE7 Peter Powers defect minor OpenSHA 1.2 website
#147 Simplify PropagationEffectParameter interface/abstract hierarchy Peter Powers enhancement minor OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#148 Make Parameter(String) the base constructor for all parameters Peter Powers enhancement minor OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#151 Embed remaining coefficient files/values in corresponding AttenRel Peter Powers enhancement minor OpenSHA 1.2 sha
#155 Add test to nightly build that launches each app Kevin Milner enhancement minor OpenSHA 1.4 build-process
#159 update website reference list Peter Powers task minor OpenSHA 1.3 website
#171 refresh issue in IMR gui; display more imr's in combo box Peter Powers defect minor OpenSHA 1.2 sha
#174 relocate data dir in root Kevin Milner enhancement minor OpenSHA 1.2 sha
#231 Bug in ScenarioShakeMapLocal Peter Powers defect minor OpenSHA 1.2 sha
#247 Set up build for GCIM Application Kevin Milner enhancement minor OpenSHA 1.2 sha
#254 Remove isti.util.jar and dependencies Peter Powers enhancement minor OpenSHA 1.2 sha
#255 Remove /etc directory Peter Powers enhancement minor OpenSHA 1.2 sha
#257 Remove little used Java Help dependence Peter Powers enhancement minor OpenSHA 1.2 sha
#258 Remove unused/unnecessary UI classes relating to borders Peter Powers task minor OpenSHA 1.2 sha
#260 Update AttenuationRelation AS2008 to implement PropEffect consistent with other NGA's Peter Powers enhancement minor OpenSHA 1.2 sha
#263 Remove unused jars Peter Powers task minor OpenSHA 1.2 sha
#267 Move MomentMagCalc to MagUtils Peter Powers enhancement minor OpenSHA 1.2 sha
#268 Prune unnecessary exceptions Peter Powers enhancement minor OpenSHA 1.2 sha
#277 Shorten and standardize IMR class names and references (generics) Peter Powers enhancement minor OpenSHA 1.2 sha
#306 Make background color for plots selectable Peter Powers task minor OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#314 Coordinate with GEM on use of OpenSHA-lite Peter Powers task minor OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#342 Cleanup Regions Peter Powers enhancement minor OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#343 Default plot title of "Hazard Curves" shows up in many places where it is not applicable Peter Powers defect minor OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#361 Remove UCERF_2_3 ERF Ned Field task minor sha
#396 Clean up ArrayUtils and DataUtils and add tests enhancement minor commons
#400 AbstractXY_DataSet.getClosestX(double y) Kevin Milner defect minor OpenSHA 1.4 sha
#406 Adjust Region(loc, loc) to handle potential rounding errors enhancement minor OpenSHA 1.3 commons
#414 DiscretizedFunction interpolation methods can fail at low end Peter Powers defect minor OpenSHA 2.0 commons
#455 GraphWindow calls (such as peel off) doesn't work in GUI apps defect minor sha
#15 test ticket Peter Powers defect trivial build-process
#16 test ticket 2 Peter Powers defect trivial build-process
#17 test ticket 3 Peter Powers defect trivial build-process
#18 test 4 pmpowers@… defect trivial build-process
#250 Add GCIM to dist build prior to 1.2 release Kevin Milner task trivial OpenSHA 1.2 sha
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.