Milestone OpenSHA 1.1

Completed 14 years ago (Jan 20, 2011, 1:14:03 PM)


Total number of tickets: 32 - closed: 32 - active: 0


3 / 3


6 / 6


2 / 2


19 / 19


2 / 2

Changes in version 1.1

  • #14: Atten Rel Plotter printing bugs
  • #19: Update Atten. Rel. Plotter app
  • #20: Remove DataPoint2D class
  • #34: Create IMR that averages other IMRs
  • #38: Update JFreeChart, use JFreeChart's log axis
  • #39: Review Site Data apps, then put them on website
  • #40: Clarify how Tectonic Region is being applied in Hazard Curve Apps
  • #45: Fix getAveStrike in FaultTrace?
  • #47: Add drupal code to opensha-www svn
  • #53: CyberShake? deterministic curves don't work
  • #69: Create independent build for org.opensha.commons
  • #74: replace XYZ_DataSetAPI with new, more usable version
  • #84: relocate - doc - test calcMinMaxLatLon methods
  • #85: Depth to Vs params should allow null
  • #87: Replace Help in Attenuation Relationship App, add Help to Hazard Curve Apps
  • #88: Replace BugWindow? with new version that links to trac ticket creating
  • #89: Secure codebase for public access
  • #91: Button to save hazard curve and disagg results in haz curve app
  • #92: Remove model from Attenuation Relationship Plotter
  • #95: write JUnit tests for TRT implementation in calculators
  • #99: most recent curves don't always plot on top in apps
  • #100: Check and possibly reduce NGA test tolerances
  • #101: implement ZhaoEtAl? tests and move IMR to main project
  • #107: XY_DataSetList should simply extend ArrayList?<XY_DataSetAPI>
  • #108: add google guava jar to build path
  • #109: resurrect ability to set all IMR params from web services (not just current IMR)
  • #110: bugs in CyberShake? control panel
  • #116: update scenario shakemap tutorial with changes to GUI
  • #117: Bug in ScenarioShakeMapServer?
  • #119: ConstrainedStringParameterEditor? should handle case when the value of the param is null
  • #121: site params not being set by setSite with MultiIMR_Averaged_AttenRel
  • #124: hazard curve apps should catch thread death exception on calc stop

Bugfix Releases

1.1.1 (01/28/2011)

New bugfix release including the following ticket:

  • #139: increase efficiency for new XYZ/Geo datasets

1.1.2 (03/08/2011)

New bugfix release including the following tickets:

  • #138: GMT plotter ignores custom scale label
  • #168: Remove test GEM1 ERFs that don't work from apps
  • #171: refresh issue in IMR gui; display more imr's in combo box

1.1.3 (04/14/2011)

New bugfix release including the following ticket:

1.1.4 (05/27/2011)

New bugfix release including the following ticket:

Note: See TracRoadmap for help on using the roadmap.