Opened 14 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

#101 closed defect (fixed)

implement ZhaoEtAl tests and move IMR to main project

Reported by: Kevin Milner Owned by: Kevin Milner
Priority: major Milestone: OpenSHA 1.1
Component: sha Version:
Keywords: Cc:


Damiano gave us JUnit tests with verification tables for ZhaoEtAl? via e-mail 12/6/10. These should be implemented in our IMR test suite.

Then, we should move ZhaoEtAl? to the main IMR dir to satisfy #19

Change History (5)

comment:1 Changed 14 years ago by Kevin Milner

I committed a JUnit test, but it doesn't pass yet. Waiting on word from the GEM folks.


Testing: zhao_r22.3_m6.5_dep20.0_interf_site1.dat
max gm pdiff: 7.266346184250466
max sigma pdiff: 6.618355014417197E-4
Testing: zhao_r22.3_m6.5_dep20.0_interf_site2.dat
max gm pdiff: 7.2664065991472695
max sigma pdiff: 6.618355014417197E-4
Testing: zhao_r22.3_m6.5_dep20.0_interf_site3.dat
max gm pdiff: 7.266459979662933
max sigma pdiff: 6.618355014417197E-4
Testing: zhao_r22.3_m6.5_dep20.0_interf_site4.dat
max gm pdiff: 7.2666376219403865
max sigma pdiff: 6.618355014417197E-4
Testing: zhao_r20.0_m6.5_dep10.0_shallow_reverse_site1.dat
max gm pdiff: 0.0024571325516434778
max sigma pdiff: 5.790919722724278E-4
Testing: zhao_r20.0_m6.5_dep10.0_shallow_normal_site1.dat
max gm pdiff: 0.0029119381169793995
max sigma pdiff: 5.790919722724278E-4
Testing: zhao_r22.3_m6.5_dep20.0_slab_site1.dat
max gm pdiff: 7.305634162951252
max sigma pdiff: 6.530531024204412E-4
Testing: zhao_r30.0_m5.0_dep30_interf_site1.dat
max gm pdiff: 20.256425191982842
max sigma pdiff: 6.618355014417197E-4

comment:2 Changed 14 years ago by Kevin Milner

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

done...tests now pass with a threshold of 0.06%. Ned, should I remove the "UNVERIFIED" tag in the name?


Testing: zhao_r22.3_m6.5_dep20.0_interf_site1.dat
max gm pdiff: 0.003459254641260489
max sigma pdiff: 6.618355014417197E-4
Testing: zhao_r22.3_m6.5_dep20.0_interf_site2.dat
max gm pdiff: 0.00447408684396991
max sigma pdiff: 6.618355014417197E-4
Testing: zhao_r22.3_m6.5_dep20.0_interf_site3.dat
max gm pdiff: 0.002899414344310582
max sigma pdiff: 6.618355014417197E-4
Testing: zhao_r22.3_m6.5_dep20.0_interf_site4.dat
max gm pdiff: 0.0031704377527741424
max sigma pdiff: 6.618355014417197E-4
Testing: zhao_r20.0_m6.5_dep10.0_shallow_reverse_site1.dat
max gm pdiff: 0.0024571325516434778
max sigma pdiff: 5.790919722724278E-4
Testing: zhao_r20.0_m6.5_dep10.0_shallow_normal_site1.dat
max gm pdiff: 0.0029119381169793995
max sigma pdiff: 5.790919722724278E-4
Testing: zhao_r22.3_m6.5_dep20.0_slab_site1.dat
max gm pdiff: 0.059135865984809355
max sigma pdiff: 6.530531024204412E-4
Testing: zhao_r30.0_m6.5_dep20.0_interf_site1.dat
max gm pdiff: 0.0033831054547612148
max sigma pdiff: 6.618355014417197E-4
Testing: zhao_r150.0_m7.0_dep130.0_slab_site1.dat
max gm pdiff: 0.056857565322545774
max sigma pdiff: 6.530531024204412E-4

comment:3 Changed 14 years ago by Ned Field

Sounds good.

Great job!

comment:4 Changed 14 years ago by Kevin Milner

Resolution: fixed
Status: closedreopened

Reopening ticket until we have tests for setSite and setEqkRupture

comment:5 Changed 14 years ago by Kevin Milner

Resolution: fixed
Status: reopenedclosed

I implemented a new JUnit test for all IMRs, trunk/test/org/opensha/sha/imr/attenRelImpl/test/, that tests that parameters are both initialized correctly, and set correctly with setSite/setEqkRupture. With this test, I found that the component parameter wasn't being initialized (it now is).

I'm closing this again.

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