Opened 11 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

#452 closed enhancement (fixed)

Add latest CVM-H basin depth models, with and without geotechnical layer

Reported by: Kevin Milner Owned by: Kevin Milner
Priority: major Milestone: OpenSHA 1.4
Component: commons Version:
Keywords: Cc: scottcal@…


CyberShake? needs the latest CVM-H model in OpenSHA for attenuation relationship comparison curves. They also need it both with and without the geotechnical layer enabled. David Gill has provided these files. Our Site Data classes and servlets need to be extended to accept parameters, so that we don't need to create a new servlet for every version/parameter setting.

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 11 years ago by Kevin Milner

Cc: scottcal@… added
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Done in [10511], [10512], [10513], [10514], [10515], [10516], [10517], [10518], [10519].

Scott, I updated the CyberShake? Hazard Curve Plotter in [10520]. I used the 0km value for the 1-D model but I still don't like it.

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