Custom Query (310 matches)


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Results (101 - 200 of 310)

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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#295 NPE on setEqkRupture in AS 2008 Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.2 sha
#296 NSHMP08 setSite doesn't set site params Peter Powers defect major sha
#298 improve reporting of application used for bug reports Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.2 sha
#299 Fix SadighEtAl1997 Tests Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.2 sha
#300 Add rescale option to CPTs Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.2 commons
#301 create SCEC-VDO plugin for viewing geologic slip rate data from Excel file Kevin Milner defect major SCEC-VDO Plugins
#302 separate "line type" and "symbols" for curve plot types, accept any combiniation of the two Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.2 commons
#305 X asis log tick labels overlap with plot Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.2 sha
#307 Bug in FaultSections Kevin Milner defect major fault DB
#312 Populate versions in trac, have automatically generated tickets reference current version Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.2 commons
#313 Histogram plotting problem Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.2 sha
#315 Remove GEM logos from our applications Peter Powers defect critical OpenSHA 1.2 sha
#320 Bug in ScenarioShakeMapServer Peter Powers defect major sha
#323 fix bug in EvenlyDiscretizedFunction Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#325 EqkRupture incorrectly cast to ProbEqkRupture in deterministic hazard calculations Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#327 Replace LocationParameter Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.3 commons
#328 Fix bug with Hypocenter location not updating in Custom Eqk Rupture selection Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#329 DB password checking broken after update to commons-codec 1.5 Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.3 fault DB
#330 Disaggregation plots won't save Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#331 EqkRuptureFromERFSelectorPanel doesn't allow rupture index selection Kevin Milner defect major sha
#334 Implement general getFractionInside method and tests Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.3 commons
#335 NPE in Deterministic Calcs for Server Mode Applications Peter Powers defect major sha
#336 Resurrect BRC calculator application, create build Kevin Milner defect major sra
#338 NPE on Hazus file create in Shake Map Application Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#339 Incorrect anchor in ShakeMap gridded regions Kevin Milner defect critical OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#340 Add ArrayList backed Point2DToleranceSortedList & tests to make ArbitrarilyDiscretizedFunction's faster Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.3 commons
#343 Default plot title of "Hazard Curves" shows up in many places where it is not applicable Peter Powers defect minor OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#347 Fix bugs in MFD plotter Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#348 remove get...Iterator() methods, replace with get list Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#349 Implement WG02 Fortran Wrapped ERF with servlets Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#353 java Desktop class cannot be trusted for launching URLs Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#355 Bug in HazardSpectrumLocal Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#356 PGD no longer works in apps Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#360 IconFetcher causes apps to hang Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#362 Rupture Selector GUI Bean has off-by-one error in rupture index param constraint Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#363 Bug in BCR_Application Kevin Milner defect major sra
#364 Bug in LossEstimationApp Kevin Milner defect major sra
#365 InversionSolutionERF improvements Ned Field defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#366 Change NSHMP Utils classes to use Streams instead of Files Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#368 DistX calc with CompundGriddedSurface Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#370 make ObsEqkRupList extend ArrayList<ObsEqkRupture> defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#371 IMT gui bean can't handle immutable period lists Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#373 EnumParameter cone() method doesn't set name or value defect major OpenSHA 1.3 commons
#374 AB2006_140 setParamDefaults doesn't correctly set Stress Drop parameter Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#375 Bug in HazardCurveLocal defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#379 Investigate various graph window exceptions defect major commons
#380 change how small distJB is handled in GriddedSurfaceUtilities Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#382 GriddedGeoDataSet performance Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.3 commons
#383 RELM Region changes? Ned Field defect major sha
#384 ScenarioShakeMapLocal fails on launch defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#386 Bug in HazardCurveLocal defect major sha
#388 UCERF2 ignores "only background" setting for background seismicity defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#389 UCERF2 Time Dependent ERF Epistemic List doesn't allow setting the start year defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#390 new RuptureSurface distance methods are not thread safe defect critical OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#391 Bug in GriddedSubsetSurface's distance X calculation defect critical OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#392 Deal with thread safety of background seismicity/ERFs that reuse ProbEqkRupture objects defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#393 Unit tests for XY_DataSet implementations Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.3 commons
#394 address discrepancy of hasPoint(x, y) behaviour in XY_DataSet implementations defect major OpenSHA 1.4 commons
#395 Clean up documentation for XY_DataSet/DiscretizedFunc classes Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.4 commons
#398 fix UCERF2 thread safety Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#399 Reexamine default plot font sizes defect major OpenSHA 1.3 commons
#400 AbstractXY_DataSet.getClosestX(double y) Kevin Milner defect minor OpenSHA 1.4 sha
#405 Disaggregation throws exception when attempting to disaggregate empty (all zeros) hazard curve defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#408 Problem with EvenlyDiscretizedFunc.getXIndex(double x) Peter Powers defect critical OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#409 PEER Test Case Selector control panel Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#412 Bug in HazardSpectrumLocal defect major sha
#414 DiscretizedFunction interpolation methods can fail at low end Peter Powers defect minor OpenSHA 2.0 commons
#415 down dip spacing ignored in AbstractEvenlyGriddedSurface defect major OpenSHA 2.0 sha
#416 Changes to be made before UCERF3.3 defect major UCERF3
#420 Bug in HazardCurveLocal defect major sha
#422 Refactor GraphPanel/GraphWindow class defect major OpenSHA 1.3 commons
#425 Bug in ScenarioShakeMapLocal defect blocker sha
#428 IM Event Set Calculator - Problems with Vs30 defect major sha
#431 Improve Dashed and Dotted lines in JFreeChart plots Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.3 commons
#436 Bug in HazardCurveServer defect major sha
#437 can't check out OpenSHA defect critical sha
#441 EnumParameter doesn't implement setIndividualParamValueFromXML, cannot be set from XML defect critical OpenSHA 1.3 commons
#442 Bug in ScenarioShakeMapLocal defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#443 ERF.setParemeter(name, value) returns false when parameter not present, should throw exception defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#446 Finish QuadSurface implementation and tests defect major OpenSHA 1.4 sha
#447 Shutdown RMI and remove references to remote apps on prior to 1.3 release defect major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#448 Fix empty sources with UCERF3 Time Dependence and Aleatory Mag Variability enabled Ned Field defect major OpenSHA 1.3 UCERF3
#449 Update "Server Is Down" error message to include possibility of new release defect major OpenSHA 1.4 commons
#450 Make operational test check that released versions of servlets work defect major OpenSHA 1.4 build-process
#451 EnumParameter can't be serialized with servlets. defect major OpenSHA 1.4 sha
#453 NGA2 Wrapper Period Parameter inconsistencies defect major OpenSHA 1.4 sha
#455 GraphWindow calls (such as peel off) doesn't work in GUI apps defect minor sha
#461 Servlets not updated on production tomcat instance defect critical OpenSHA 1.4 commons
#462 write class to fetch precomputed EALs for each rupture in a branch averaged solution Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.4 UCERF3
#463 Get better high resolution CA topography files Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.4 commons
#464 Add option for using histogram x values in plots instead of starting at zero defect major OpenSHA 1.4 commons
#466 HazardCurveCalculator casts all curves to ArbitrarilyDiscretizedFunction but takes DiscretizedFunction defect major OpenSHA 1.4 sha
#469 Bug in ScenarioShakeMapLocal defect major sha
#470 AttenuationRelationship assumes that func.get(i).setLocation(x,y) will update underlying func (CRITICAL) Kevin Milner defect critical sha
#475 Compilation issue with Java 8 defect major OpenSHA 1.4 sha
#477 Add cloning and moving methods to RuptureSurface Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.4 sha
#478 Checking out a branch defect major trac site
#483 General_EQSim_Tools assumes section IDs are continuous defect major OpenSHA 1.4 sha
#485 Create framework for converting IM Components Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.4 sha
#488 Add interpolation capabilities to GMT web service defect major OpenSHA 1.4 commons
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