Custom Query (75 matches)


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Status: closed (75 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#111 add CPT color images to color scheme pick list Kevin Milner defect minor commons
#122 MultiIMR_Averaged_AttenRel should have parameter for editing IMR weights Kevin Milner enhancement major sha
#123 implement weighted list with editor Kevin Milner defect major commons
#132 make sure parameters that are set to null save/load to/from XML correctly Kevin Milner defect major commons
#134 Switch important parameter editors over to NewParameterEditor, then rename Kevin Milner defect major commons
#139 increase efficiency for new XYZ/Geo datasets Kevin Milner defect major commons
#141 Modify BugWindow to catch firewall related exceptions and display appropriate information Kevin Milner defect major commons
#154 ScenarioShakeMapApp crash Kevin Milner defect critical sha
#156 add type checking to isParameterSupported implementations for new parameter editors Kevin Milner defect major commons
#157 Fixes/improvements to build process Kevin Milner defect major build-process
#165 Bug in IM event set calculator ver 3 Kevin Milner defect major sha
#166 Revert UCERF2_Final to useing original distance calculation metrics Kevin Milner task major sha
#168 Remove test GEM1 ERFs that don't work from apps Kevin Milner defect blocker sha
#174 relocate data dir in root Kevin Milner enhancement minor sha
#230 XY_DataSet problem Kevin Milner defect major sha 1.0.x
#247 Set up build for GCIM Application Kevin Milner enhancement minor sha
#249 review discretized function equals method Kevin Milner defect major commons
#250 Add GCIM to dist build prior to 1.2 release Kevin Milner task trivial sha
#261 Java Web Start shortcuts launch apps offline, don't check for updates Kevin Milner defect major build-process
#266 Refactor Parameter Packages (names, move to impl) Kevin Milner defect major commons
#275 Verify that unit tests are running properly Kevin Milner defect critical sha
#278 fix site data servlet paths Kevin Milner defect major commons
#280 Remove "API" from SiteDataAPI Kevin Milner defect major commons
#281 remove API from Surface interfaces Kevin Milner defect major commons
#282 Raname NamedObjectAPI -> Named Kevin Milner defect major commons
#283 Named interface shouldn't extend Serializable Kevin Milner defect major commons
#286 E-mails should be sent out when continuous build tests fail Kevin Milner defect major build-process
#288 Applications should use a combination of ServerPrefs and AttenRelRef to determine which IMRs to include Kevin Milner defect major sha
#318 Add Preconditions to ERF_GuiBean & IMR_MultiGuiBean to make sure no duplicates, not null, etc Kevin Milner enhancement major sha
#24 Clarify IM ParameterAPI/DependentParameterAPI ambiguity Peter Powers defect major sha
#25 Resolve location range issues (-180->180 vs 0->360) Peter Powers defect major commons
#51 Clean up ParameterEditor class Peter Powers defect minor commons
#98 Use enum to get IMR/ERF class names, names, and instantiate new instances. Peter Powers enhancement major sha
#103 fix missing characters for ≥ and ≤ Peter Powers defect major sha
#115 Add Nitin's modifications of gridded regions Peter Powers enhancement major sha
#126 Application launch page looks terrible in IE7 Peter Powers defect minor website
#130 Create opensha-lite.jar Peter Powers task major sha
#135 fix WeightedListParameterEditor display problems Peter Powers defect major commons
#136 MultiIMR_Averaged_AttenRel class seems to be getting an error when setting default parameter for Other Parameters when it is not supported. For example, function tries setting Active Shallow Tectonic Region Type for an Attenuation, as the default value, when it is not supported by the Attenuation Relationship. Peter Powers defect major sha
#138 GMT plotter ignores custom scale label Peter Powers defect major commons
#144 AttenuationRelApp nightlies crashing on startup Peter Powers defect critical sha
#145 Update Parameters to properly implement compareTo and equals Peter Powers enhancement major sha
#151 Embed remaining coefficient files/values in corresponding AttenRel Peter Powers enhancement minor sha
#171 refresh issue in IMR gui; display more imr's in combo box Peter Powers defect minor sha
#176 Fix NumberFormatExceptions in different locales from IMT_Info() Peter Powers enhancement major sha 1.0.x
#213 Opensha dev question Peter Powers defect major sha
#231 Bug in ScenarioShakeMapLocal Peter Powers defect minor sha
#233 WOOOOOOO! Peter Powers defect blocker commons 1.0.x
#253 catch NumberFormatException's that use commas Peter Powers defect major commons
#254 Remove isti.util.jar and dependencies Peter Powers enhancement minor sha
#255 Remove /etc directory Peter Powers enhancement minor sha
#257 Remove little used Java Help dependence Peter Powers enhancement minor sha
#258 Remove unused/unnecessary UI classes relating to borders Peter Powers task minor sha
#259 Review IMT_Info's use of NumberFormat...necessary? Peter Powers defect major sha
#260 Update AttenuationRelation AS2008 to implement PropEffect consistent with other NGA's Peter Powers enhancement minor sha
#263 Remove unused jars Peter Powers task minor sha
#267 Move MomentMagCalc to MagUtils Peter Powers enhancement minor sha
#268 Prune unnecessary exceptions Peter Powers enhancement minor sha
#273 Add tests that instantiate ERFs and call updateForecast() Peter Powers enhancement major sha
#277 Shorten and standardize IMR class names and references (generics) Peter Powers enhancement minor sha
#279 Rename ERF interfaces to remove 'API' Peter Powers defect major sha
#284 Rename Container2DAPI -> Container2D Peter Powers defect major commons
#285 Rename XY Dataset interfaces to remove API Peter Powers defect major commons
#289 ERF Gui Bean doesn't show params when swithcing back to probabilistic from deterministic Peter Powers defect major sha
#290 An error message should pop up when ERFs fail, then just remove from list Peter Powers defect major sha
#291 Review DevStatus of ERFs before 1.2 release Peter Powers task major sha
#295 NPE on setEqkRupture in AS 2008 Peter Powers defect major sha
#298 improve reporting of application used for bug reports Peter Powers defect major sha
#299 Fix SadighEtAl1997 Tests Peter Powers defect major sha
#300 Add rescale option to CPTs Peter Powers defect major commons
#302 separate "line type" and "symbols" for curve plot types, accept any combiniation of the two Peter Powers defect major commons
#305 X asis log tick labels overlap with plot Peter Powers defect major sha
#312 Populate versions in trac, have automatically generated tickets reference current version Peter Powers defect major commons
#313 Histogram plotting problem Peter Powers defect major sha
#315 Remove GEM logos from our applications Peter Powers defect critical sha
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.