Custom Query (454 matches)


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Results (401 - 454 of 454)

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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#298 improve reporting of application used for bug reports Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.2 sha
#299 Fix SadighEtAl1997 Tests Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.2 sha
#300 Add rescale option to CPTs Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.2 commons
#302 separate "line type" and "symbols" for curve plot types, accept any combiniation of the two Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.2 commons
#305 X asis log tick labels overlap with plot Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.2 sha
#312 Populate versions in trac, have automatically generated tickets reference current version Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.2 commons
#313 Histogram plotting problem Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.2 sha
#315 Remove GEM logos from our applications Peter Powers defect critical OpenSHA 1.2 sha
#318 Add Preconditions to ERF_GuiBean & IMR_MultiGuiBean to make sure no duplicates, not null, etc Kevin Milner enhancement major OpenSHA 1.2 sha
#14 Atten Rel Plotter printing bugs Kevin Milner defect minor OpenSHA 1.1 sha
#19 Update Atten. Rel. Plotter app Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.1 build-process
#20 Remove DataPoint2D class Peter Powers enhancement minor OpenSHA 1.1 commons
#34 Create IMR that averages other IMRs Kevin Milner task major OpenSHA 1.1 sha
#38 Update JFreeChart, use JFreeChart's log axis Peter Powers defect minor OpenSHA 1.1 sha
#39 Review Site Data apps, then put them on website Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.1 commons
#40 Clarify how Tectonic Region is being applied in Hazard Curve Apps Kevin Milner defect critical OpenSHA 1.1 sha
#45 Fix getAveStrike in FaultTrace Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.1 sha
#47 Add drupal code to opensha-www svn Peter Powers enhancement major OpenSHA 1.1 website
#53 CyberShake deterministic curves don't work Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.1 cybershake
#69 Create independent build for org.opensha.commons Kevin Milner task minor OpenSHA 1.1 build-process
#74 replace XYZ_DataSetAPI with new, more usable version Kevin Milner task major OpenSHA 1.1 commons
#84 relocate - doc - test calcMinMaxLatLon methods Kevin Milner task major OpenSHA 1.1 commons
#85 Depth to Vs params should allow null Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.1 sha
#87 Replace Help in Attenuation Relationship App, add Help to Hazard Curve Apps Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.1 sha
#88 Replace BugWindow with new version that links to trac ticket creating Kevin Milner task major OpenSHA 1.1 sha
#89 Secure codebase for public access Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.1 sha
#91 Button to save hazard curve and disagg results in haz curve app Kevin Milner enhancement major OpenSHA 1.1 sha
#92 Remove model from Attenuation Relationship Plotter Kevin Milner defect critical OpenSHA 1.1 sha
#95 write JUnit tests for TRT implementation in calculators Kevin Milner task major OpenSHA 1.1 sha
#99 most recent curves don't always plot on top in apps Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.1 sha
#100 Check and possibly reduce NGA test tolerances Peter Powers enhancement minor OpenSHA 1.1 sha
#101 implement ZhaoEtAl tests and move IMR to main project Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.1 sha
#107 XY_DataSetList should simply extend ArrayList<XY_DataSetAPI> Peter Powers task major OpenSHA 1.1 commons
#108 add google guava jar to build path Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.1 build-process
#109 resurrect ability to set all IMR params from web services (not just current IMR) Kevin Milner task major OpenSHA 1.1 sha
#110 bugs in CyberShake control panel Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.1 cybershake
#116 update scenario shakemap tutorial with changes to GUI Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.1 website
#117 Bug in ScenarioShakeMapServer Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.1 sha
#119 ConstrainedStringParameterEditor should handle case when the value of the param is null Peter Powers defect major OpenSHA 1.1 commons
#121 site params not being set by setSite with MultiIMR_Averaged_AttenRel Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.1 sha
#124 hazard curve apps should catch thread death exception on calc stop Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.1 sha
#2 Transition remaining glossary items Peter Powers task major Website transition website
#3 Transition remaining top level pages Peter Powers task major Website transition website
#4 Build application distribution pages Peter Powers task major Website transition website
#5 Transition remaining ERFs Peter Powers task major Website transition website
#7 Merge donut Region to trunk Peter Powers task major OpenSHA 1.0 commons
#8 Migrate to Java 6 Peter Powers task major OpenSHA 1.0 sha
#9 Comprehensive unit testing Peter Powers enhancement critical OpenSHA 1.0 commons
#26 Add disclaimer to all apps Kevin Milner task major OpenSHA 1.0 sha
#27 Remove dependence on CachedRowSetImpl Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.0 commons
#1 Add donut Regions Peter Powers enhancement major GEM1 commons
#6 Generate custom build for GEM Peter Powers task minor GEM1 sha
#12 Update trac instructions Peter Powers enhancement minor GEM1 website
#13 fix RelativeLocation.getLocation(Loc, Dir) sign problem Peter Powers defect major GEM1 commons
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.