{9} All Tickets By Component (Including closed) (516 matches)

Results (501 - 516 of 516)

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UCERF3 (3 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Milestone Type Priority Owner Modified
#448 Fix empty sources with UCERF3 Time Dependence and Aleatory Mag Variability enabled UCERF3 closed fixed OpenSHA 1.3 defect major Ned Field Jan 10, 2014
#311 Create DB & accessors for storing inversion data UCERF3 closed wontfix task major Kevin Milner Aug 22, 2013
#309 Investigate faster sparce matrix multiplication packages for Simulated Annealing UCERF3 closed fixed task major Kevin Milner Jun 10, 2011

SCEC-VDO Plugins (13 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Milestone Type Priority Owner Modified
#70 make SCEC-VDO plugin's stateful SCEC-VDO Plugins new OpenSHA 2.0 enhancement minor Kevin Milner Jun 27, 2011
#81 make it easy to edit multiple fault section colors at once SCEC-VDO Plugins closed fixed enhancement major Kevin Milner Jan 7, 2015
#310 Add participation rate viz to SCEC-VDO UCERF3 Inversion Plugin SCEC-VDO Plugins closed fixed task major Kevin Milner Aug 22, 2013
#301 create SCEC-VDO plugin for viewing geologic slip rate data from Excel file SCEC-VDO Plugins closed fixed defect major Kevin Milner Jun 3, 2011
#79 add view info to fault plugins SCEC-VDO Plugins closed fixed task major Kevin Milner May 10, 2011
#256 Make fault section prototyping/editing plugin SCEC-VDO Plugins closed fixed defect major Kevin Milner May 6, 2011
#143 add deformation model selection to the Sub Section 2.0/3.0 plugin SCEC-VDO Plugins closed fixed defect major Kevin Milner Feb 14, 2011
#142 add option to create fault surfaces that preserve the original dimensions exactly SCEC-VDO Plugins closed fixed defect major Kevin Milner Feb 8, 2011
#128 add new simulator input files SCEC-VDO Plugins closed fixed defect major Kevin Milner Feb 3, 2011
#113 add animation info text to status bar SCEC-VDO Plugins closed fixed enhancement major Kevin Milner Dec 16, 2010
#112 add loop animation option for simulator output display SCEC-VDO Plugins closed fixed enhancement major Kevin Milner Dec 14, 2010
#82 fix bug on setClickEnabled with windows, web start SCEC-VDO Plugins closed worksforme defect major Kevin Milner Nov 29, 2010
#42 Vizualize Simulator output in SCEC-VDO SCEC-VDO Plugins closed fixed task major Kevin Milner Sep 14, 2010
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