Custom Query (19 matches)


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Status: closed (19 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#40 Clarify how Tectonic Region is being applied in Hazard Curve Apps Kevin Milner defect critical 1.0.x fixed
#92 Remove model from Attenuation Relationship Plotter Kevin Milner defect critical 1.0.x fixed
#34 Create IMR that averages other IMRs Kevin Milner task major fixed
#45 Fix getAveStrike in FaultTrace Peter Powers defect major 1.0.x fixed
#85 Depth to Vs params should allow null Kevin Milner defect major fixed
#87 Replace Help in Attenuation Relationship App, add Help to Hazard Curve Apps Kevin Milner defect major 1.0.x fixed
#88 Replace BugWindow with new version that links to trac ticket creating Kevin Milner task major fixed
#89 Secure codebase for public access Kevin Milner defect major fixed
#91 Button to save hazard curve and disagg results in haz curve app Kevin Milner enhancement major fixed
#95 write JUnit tests for TRT implementation in calculators Kevin Milner task major fixed
#99 most recent curves don't always plot on top in apps Kevin Milner defect major fixed
#101 implement ZhaoEtAl tests and move IMR to main project Kevin Milner defect major fixed
#109 resurrect ability to set all IMR params from web services (not just current IMR) Kevin Milner task major fixed
#117 Bug in ScenarioShakeMapServer Kevin Milner defect major fixed
#121 site params not being set by setSite with MultiIMR_Averaged_AttenRel Kevin Milner defect major fixed
#124 hazard curve apps should catch thread death exception on calc stop Kevin Milner defect major fixed
#14 Atten Rel Plotter printing bugs Kevin Milner defect minor 1.0.x fixed
#38 Update JFreeChart, use JFreeChart's log axis Peter Powers defect minor fixed
#100 Check and possibly reduce NGA test tolerances Peter Powers enhancement minor fixed
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.