Custom Query (454 matches)


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Results (61 - 63 of 454)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#101 fixed implement ZhaoEtAl tests and move IMR to main project Kevin Milner Kevin Milner

Damiano gave us JUnit tests with verification tables for ZhaoEtAl? via e-mail 12/6/10. These should be implemented in our IMR test suite.

Then, we should move ZhaoEtAl? to the main IMR dir to satisfy #19

#102 fixed when fault sections are removed, they should be removed from fault/def models as well Kevin Milner Kevin Milner

Currently if you remove a fault section in the db editing application, it won't remove it from any fault/deformation models that include it. This should not be the case. When you remove a fault section, all references to it should also be removed. The confirmation message should also up updated to reflect this.

#103 fixed fix missing characters for ≥ and ≤ Peter Powers Kevin Milner

currently greater/less than or equal to display as question marks (at least in Windows/Linux?). a cross platform fix should be implemented.

Fixed in [7412]

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