Changes between Version 15 and Version 16 of SettingUpEclipse

Dec 31, 1969, 4:20:57 PM (55 years ago)
Peter Powers



  • SettingUpEclipse

    v15 v16  
    20 === 3) Adding the OpenSHA SVN Repository ===
     20=== 3) Add the OpenSHA Source Repository ===
    2222Once Subclipse is properly installed, from within eclipse:
    23  * Select ''`Window > Open Perspective > Other`''
    24  * Select ''`SVN Repository Exploring`'' and hit ''`OK`''
     23 * Select ''`Window > Open Perspective > Other`''.
     24 * Select ''`SVN Repository Exploring`'' and hit ''`OK`''.
    2626The ''`SVN Repository`'' tab should now be visible:
    2727 * Click the ''`Add SVN Repository`'' button shown here...
    28 [[Image(]]
    29  * Enter `` as the ''`URL`'' and hit ''`Finish`''
    30    * At this point it will ask you for a username and password.
    31    * Use the username/password that you used to view this page.
    32  * Assuming everything went well, a new repository should appear in the "SVN Repository" tab.
    34 == Checking out the OpenSHA Project ==
     30 * Enter `` as the ''`URL`'' and hit ''`Finish`''.
     31 * Enter your ''`username`'' and ''`password`''.
     33=== 4) Check out the OpenSHA Project ==
    3635 * Click the arrow to expand the repository tree.
    37  * Right click on "trunk" and select "Checkout..." as shown below:
    38 [[Image(]]
    39  * The default options should work for most people, just click "Finish"
    40    * If you need to specify the location to put the project, click "Next" instead
    41  * It will take a little while to check out the entire project.
    42  * Once it is checked out, switch to the Java perspective (Window > Open Perspective > Java (or Other, then "Java")
    43    * It will take a while to build the project
     36 * Right click on ''`trunk`'' and select ''`Checkout...`'':
     39 * If you are happy with the default options (they are fine for most people), just click ''`Finish`''.
     40   * If you would like to specify where to put your "Working Copy" of the project, click ''`Next`'' instead.
     41 * Be patient, it may take a little while to check out the entire project the first time.
     42 * Once it is checked out, switch to the Java perspective  ''`Window > Open Perspective > Java`'' (or ''`Other`'', then ''`Java`'').
     43 * More patience, it will probably take a little while to build the project as well (you should see ''`Building Workspace`'' in the lower right corner of the Eclipse window.