
Version 15 (modified by Peter Powers, 55 years ago) (diff)


Getting Started with OpenSHA Development

1) Download Eclipse

The latest version of Eclipse can be obtained from The Eclipse Website

The "Eclipse IDE for Java Developers" should be fine, however the Enterprise Edition (EE) will work as well.

2) Install the Subversion (SVN) Plug-in

The Eclipse SVN Plug in is called "Subclipse".

To install in Eclipse, follow the tutorial here: Subclipse Installation

(be sure to use as the update site when prompted)

3) Adding the OpenSHA SVN Repository

Once Subclipse is properly installed, from within eclipse:

  • Select Window > Open Perspective > Other
  • Select SVN Repository Exploring and hit OK

The SVN Repository tab should now be visible:

  • Click the Add SVN Repository button shown here...

  • Enter as the URL and hit Finish
    • At this point it will ask you for a username and password.
    • Use the username/password that you used to view this page.
  • Assuming everything went well, a new repository should appear in the "SVN Repository" tab.

Checking out the OpenSHA Project

  • Click the arrow to expand the repository tree.
  • Right click on "trunk" and select "Checkout..." as shown below:

  • The default options should work for most people, just click "Finish"
    • If you need to specify the location to put the project, click "Next" instead
  • It will take a little while to check out the entire project.
  • Once it is checked out, switch to the Java perspective (Window > Open Perspective > Java (or Other, then "Java")
    • It will take a while to build the project

Attachments (3)

Download all attachments as: .zip