
Version 2 (modified by Kevin Milner, 14 years ago) (diff)


Releasing Applications

Creating a new release

Update Build Version

First, open ant/include/utils.xml in Eclipse. Run one of the following targets to update the build version:

  • update.major.version - updates the major (first) version. For example, this will update from 1.5.2 to 2.0.0
  • update.minor.version - updates the major (first) version. For example, this will update from 1.5.2 to 1.6.0
  • - should not be used here

Commit the newly modified file ant/include/build.version to trunk.

Create a release branch

You should then create a branch for this release. The branch should be created in the branches/releases directory with the name "release_<major>.<minor>.x".

For example, for version 1.0.0, the branch branches/releases/release_1.0.x was created.

Update ServerPrefs

Next, you must update the server preferences class in the new branch, and commit it to SVN. This tells various parts of the OpenSHA project that this is a release branch, and to use the "stable" server URLs/ports.

In Eclipse, open the class ServerPrefUtils in org.opensha.commons.util . Find this line:

public static final ServerPrefs SERVER_PREFS = ServerPrefs.DEV_PREFS;

And change it to:

public static final ServerPrefs SERVER_PREFS = ServerPrefs.PRODUCTION_PREFS;

Commit this modified file to your release branch.

Setup Tomcat production dir

SSH into then navigate to the Tomcat development build directory (for more information see Tomcat Configuration).

kevin@milner:~$ ssh
Last login: Wed Aug 11 14:09:07 2010 from
[1:opensha] ~: cd /usr/local/tomcat/default/webapps/OpenSHA/WEB-INF

Switch to your new release branch. For example, to switch to releases/release_1.0.x : (you'll have to replace this with your new release branch!)

[2:opensha] /usr/local/tomcat/default/webapps/OpenSHA/WEB-INF: ./scripts/svn/ releases/release_1.0.x
switching to branch releases/release_1.0.x at
At revision 6959.

Then rebuild the project

[3:opensha] /usr/local/tomcat/default/webapps/OpenSHA/WEB-INF: ./ 

Then restart Tomcat

[4:opensha] /usr/local/tomcat/default/webapps/OpenSHA/WEB-INF: cd ant/
[5:opensha] /usr/local/tomcat/default/webapps/OpenSHA/WEB-INF/ant: ./ cc-build-test.xml restart.tomcat