Opened 13 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

#377 closed defect (worksforme)

Bug in HazardCurveLocal

Reported by: anonymous Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: sha Version: 1.2.3
Keywords: HazardCurveLocal Cc:


Steps to reproduce: tried to disaggregate a hazard curve based on IML with the default settings.

Other info: An error popped up that reads "Disaggregation failed because there is no exceedance above the given IML (or that interpolated from the chosen probability)", but I get this error, no matter what number I put in for the disaggregation IML (I tried 0.001 to 1, which with 1 I expect to get this error for this data, but should not get it for 0.01 etc).

Application: HazardCurveLocal?
Version: 1.2.3
Bulid Type: Production
Java Version: 1.6.0_29 (Apple Inc.)
Operating System: Mac OS X (arch: x86_64, version: 10.6.8)


java.lang.RuntimeException: method not supported (not sure what to return)
	at org.opensha.sha.earthquake.rupForecastImpl.WGCEP_UCERF_2_Final.griddedSeis.Point2Vert_FaultPoisSource.getSourceSurface(
	at org.opensha.sha.calc.disaggregation.DisaggregationCalculator.disaggregate(
	at org.opensha.sha.gui.HazardCurveServerModeApplication.computeHazardCurve(


Cacluation Type = Probabilistic

IMR Param List:

IMR = Abrahamson & Silva (2008); Gaussian Truncation = 2 Sided; Truncation Level = 2.0; Tectonic Region = Active Shallow Crust; Component = Average Horizontal (GMRotI50); Std Dev Type = Total

Site Param List:

Longitude = -117.85763; Latitude = 34.4131; Vs30 = 515.0; Vs30 Type = Inferred; Depth 1.0 km/sec = 0.0

IMT Param List:


Forecast Param List:

Eqk Rup Forecast = WGCEP (2007) UCERF2 - Single Branch; Rupture Offset = 5.0; Floater Type = Along strike & centered down dip; Background Seismicity = Include; Treat Background Seismicity As = Two perpendicular faults; Apply CyberShake? DDW Corr = false; Probability Model = Poisson

TimeSpan? Param List:

Duration = 100.0

Calculation Settings:

Maximum Distance = 200.0; Num Event Sets = 1; Use Mag-Distance Filter? = false; null; Set TRT From Source? = false; If source TRT not supported by IMR = Use TRT value already set in IMR

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 13 years ago by Kevin Milner

I'm having trouble reproducing this bug. Since you didn't leave an e-mail address, I'm hoping that you check back here. Did you change any calculation settings in the Hazard Calculation BESIDES the following?

  • Set IMT to PGA
  • Set IMR to AS 2008. Select 2 sided truncation
  • Set site to 34.4131, -117.85763; Vs30 to 515 & Depth to Vs=1.0 km/sec = 0
  • Set ERF to WGCEP (2007) UCERF2 - Single Branch, then set probability model to Poisson and time span to 100 years
  • Open Disaggregation control panel, select "IML" from the drop down box

Following that procedure, I don't get an exception (tested both with the current release and development/nightly version).

comment:2 Changed 11 years ago by Kevin Milner

Resolution: worksforme
Status: newclosed

Never received reply from submitter, could not reproduce

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