Custom Query (310 matches)


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Results (301 - 310 of 310)

1 2 3 4
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#16 test ticket 2 Peter Powers defect trivial build-process
#17 test ticket 3 Peter Powers defect trivial build-process
#35 testing a new ticket Kevin Milner defect major website
#324 unit tests for xy_dataset/function heirarchy Peter Powers task major OpenSHA 1.3 sha
#116 update scenario shakemap tutorial with changes to GUI Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.1 website
#159 update website reference list Peter Powers task minor OpenSHA 1.3 website
#287 upgrade cruise control to latest (2.8.3), improve configuration Kevin Milner defect major build-process
#102 when fault sections are removed, they should be removed from fault/def models as well Kevin Milner defect major fault DB
#95 write JUnit tests for TRT implementation in calculators Kevin Milner task major OpenSHA 1.1 sha
#462 write class to fetch precomputed EALs for each rupture in a branch averaged solution Kevin Milner defect major OpenSHA 1.4 UCERF3
1 2 3 4
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.