This is a command line utility for extracting time dependent probabilities and equivalent annualized rates from a UCERF3 Fault System Solution. TODO: download instructions Command Line Arguments: ||= Short =||= Long =||= Required? =||=Description=|| ||-d ||--duration ||'''yes'''||Forecast duration in years.|| ||-y ||--start-year ||no||Forecast start year. Default: 2014|| ||-h ||--hist-open-interval-basis ||no||Year basis for historical openinterval. Default: 1875|| ||-p ||--prob-model ||'''yes'''||Probability model. One or more of U3_PREF_BLEND,POISSON,BPT_LOW,BPT_MID,BPT_HIGH. Multiple entries can be comma separated.|| ||-s ||--solution ||'''yes'''||Input Fault System Solution zip file|| ||-o ||--output-file ||'''yes'''||Output file name|| ||-b||--binary||no||Output equivalent annualized rates binary file in FSS rates.bin format. Otherwise CSV format.|| ||-a||--filter-aftershocks||no||Apply aftershock filter|| Examples: To create a CSV file with probabilities and equivalent annualized rates for for each probability model and a 5 year duration: {{{ java -jar TimeDepRateExtractor.jar --duration 5 --start-year 2014 --solution /path/to/ --hist-open-interval-basis 1875 --prob-model U3_PREF_BLEND,POISSON,BPT_LOW,BPT_MID,BPT_HIGH --output-file /path/to/output.csv }}}