= UCERF3 Fault System Solutions = UCERF3 data is stored in the FaultSystemSolution file format. There are a variety of solution files available to users, and different applications require different files. These files can be used with the [wiki:UCERF3 ERFs]. == Individual Branches - Compound Fault System Solution == If you need results for one or more individual UCERF3 logic tree branches, you must use the UCERF3 Compound Fault System Solution file. This file can be downloaded here: http://opensha.usc.edu/ftp/ucerf3_erf/full_ucerf3_compound_sol.zip The file format is described [http://opensha.usc.edu/trac/wiki/FaultSystemSolution#CompoundFaultSystemSolutionFiles here] If you need access to individual inversions for a single branch (UCERF3 averages 10 inversion runs per branch), you will need this files which contains rates.bin files for each run: http://opensha.usc.edu/ftp/kmilner/ucerf3/2013_05_10-ucerf3p3-production-10runs/2013_05_10-ucerf3p3-production-10runs_COMPOUND_SOL_WITH_IND_RUNS.zip If you are interested in how the UCERF3 waterlevel affects results, you may also be interested in [http://opensha.usc.edu/ftp/kmilner/ucerf3/2013_05_10-ucerf3p3-production-10runs/2013_05_10-ucerf3p3-production-10runs-bins.zip this] zip file which contains two files per inversion per branch. The ''*_run*.bin'' files contain the rates for each rupture, similar to the previous file. The ''*_run*_noMinRates.bin'' files contain the inverted rates before the waterlevel was added back in. To recover the waterlevel, subtract values from ''*_run*_noMinRates.bin'' from the ''*_run*.bin'' files. These files are in our [http://opensha.usc.edu/trac/wiki/FaultSystemSolution#Doublearraybinaryfile double array binary file format]. === Single Solution Extraction Utility === A java utility has been provided to aid with the extraction of single logic tree branches from a Compound Fault System Solution. First, you must either obtain OpenSHA source code and build yourself (see SettingUpEclipse) or you can download the latest complete distribution jar file from here: http://opensha.usc.edu/dev/opensha-complete/nightly/opensha-complete.jar You then must run the following java class with all required arguments: scratch.UCERF3.utils.CompoundSolBranchExtractor Arguments: * '''''' - Path to compound solution zip file downloaded previously * '''''' - Logic tree branch to extract. Branch choices should be separated by underscores in a single string as described [http://opensha.usc.edu/trac/wiki/RunningUCERF3Inversions#LogicTreeBranchNames here]. Example: FM3_1_ZENGBB_Shaw09Mod_DsrTap_CharConst_M5Rate7.9_MMaxOff7.6_NoFix_SpatSeisU3 * '''''' - Path to output directory, or fully qualified file name. If directory is supplied, file name will be generated automatically from branch choices. Example to write the reference branch to /tmp: {{{ java -Xmx4G /path/to/OpenSHA_complete.jar scratch.UCERF3.utils.CompoundSolBranchExtractor /path/to/full_ucerf3_compound_sol.zip FM3_1_ZENGBB_Shaw09Mod_DsrTap_CharConst_M5Rate7.9_MMaxOff7.6_NoFix_SpatSeisU3 /tmp/ }}} ''Note that this will not work for files greater than 4.1 GB (ZIP64 files). If you see an error relating to an invalid header, this is likely the problem.''