
Version 40 (modified by Peter Powers, 55 years ago) (diff)


Getting Started with OpenSHA Development

Obtaining Source Code

Two options are available to obtain the OpenSHA source code:

  1. Browse Source on this website. Once in the trunk folder, the current release code may be downloaded as a zip file (the link is at the bottom of the page)
  1. Check the codebase out from our Subversion repository. Instructions on how to do this from within Eclipse are provided below.

1) Download Eclipse

The latest version of Eclipse can be obtained from The Eclipse Website

The "Eclipse IDE for Java Developers" should be fine, however the Enterprise Edition (EE) will work as well.

2) Install the Subversion (SVN) Plug-in

The Eclipse SVN Plug in is called "Subclipse".

To install in Eclipse, follow the tutorial here: Subclipse Installation

(be sure to use as the update site when prompted)

3) Add the OpenSHA Source Repository

Once Subclipse is properly installed, from within eclipse:

  • Select Window > Open Perspective > Other.
  • Select SVN Repository Exploring and hit OK.

The SVN Repository tab should now be visible:

  • Click the Add SVN Repository button shown here...

  • Enter as the URL and hit Finish.
  • Enter your username and password.

4) Check out the OpenSHA Project

  • Click the arrow to expand the repository tree.
  • Right click on trunk and select Checkout...

  • If you are happy with the default options (they are fine for most people), just click Finish.
    • If you would like to specify where to put your "Working Copy" of the project, click Next instead.
  • Be patient, it may take a little while to check out the entire project the first time.
  • Once it is checked out, switch to the Java perspective Window > Open Perspective > Java (or Other, then Java).
  • More patience, it will probably take a little while to build the project as well (you should see Building Workspace in the lower right corner of the Eclipse window.

Working with OpenSHA

The instructions above will enable any registered user to get a copy of the trunk or current codebase. Any new code by authorized developers, however, must be committed to the repository on a branch. The details of merging and branching are outlined in The SVN Book and we encourage everyone involved to keep it handy. Some very basic instructions and guidelines are provided below.


OpenSHA development occurs on branches. To create a branch:

  • Switch to the SVN Repository Exploring perspective (see Step 3 above).
  • Right click on trunk and select Branch/Tag...

  • In the window that follows, enter in the Copy to URL field:
(replace username and branchname as appropriate)

  • Click Finish (or Next for more advanced options).
  • Once the branch is created, expand the branches folder and check it out as a "Working Copy" using Checkout... (see Step 4 above).


When new code is ready for inclusion in a release, project admins will assist with any required updates to a developers branched code and with merging it into the main line of the project.

Attachments (3)

Download all attachments as: .zip