= Releasing Applications = [[PageOutline]] == Creating a new release == === Update Build Version === First, open [source:trunk/ant/include/utils.xml ant/include/utils.xml] in Eclipse. Run one of the following targets to update the build version: * update.major.version - updates the major (first) version. For example, this will update from 1.5.2 to 2.0.0 * update.minor.version - updates the major (first) version. For example, this will update from 1.5.2 to 1.6.0 * update.build.number - '''should not be used here''' Commit the newly modified file [source:trunk/ant/include/build.version ant/include/build.version] to trunk. === Create a release branch === You should then create a branch for this release. The branch should be created in the [source:branches/releases] directory with the name "release_..x". For example, for version 1.0.0, the branch [source:branches/releases/release_1.0.x] was created. === Update !ServerPrefs === Next, you must update the server preferences class in the new branch, and commit it to SVN. This tells various parts of the OpenSHA project that this is a release branch, and to use the "stable" server URLs/ports. In Eclipse, open the class [source:trunk/src/org/opensha/commons/util/ServerPrefUtils.java ServerPrefUtils] in org.opensha.commons.util . Find this line: {{{ public static final ServerPrefs SERVER_PREFS = ServerPrefs.DEV_PREFS; }}} And change it to: {{{ public static final ServerPrefs SERVER_PREFS = ServerPrefs.PRODUCTION_PREFS; }}} Commit this modified file to your release branch. === Setup Tomcat production dir === SSH into !opensha@opensha.usc.edu then navigate to the Tomcat development build directory (for more information see [wiki:TomcatConfig Tomcat Configuration]). {{{ kevin@milner:~$ ssh opensha@opensha.usc.edu Last login: Wed Aug 11 14:09:07 2010 from milner.usc.edu [1:opensha] ~: cd /usr/local/tomcat/default/webapps/OpenSHA/WEB-INF }}} Switch to your new release branch. For example, to switch to releases/release_1.0.x : '''(you'll have to replace this with your new release branch!)''' {{{ [2:opensha] /usr/local/tomcat/default/webapps/OpenSHA/WEB-INF: ./scripts/svn/switch_to_branch.sh releases/release_1.0.x switching to branch releases/release_1.0.x at https://source.usc.edu/svn/opensha/branches/releases/release_1.0.x At revision 6959. }}} Then rebuild the project {{{ [3:opensha] /usr/local/tomcat/default/webapps/OpenSHA/WEB-INF: ./rebuild.sh }}} Then restart Tomcat {{{ [4:opensha] /usr/local/tomcat/default/webapps/OpenSHA/WEB-INF: cd ant/ [5:opensha] /usr/local/tomcat/default/webapps/OpenSHA/WEB-INF/ant: ./runAnt.sh cc-build-test.xml restart.tomcat }}}