Changes between Version 10 and Version 11 of ReleasingApplications

Jun 29, 2011, 12:18:28 PM (13 years ago)
Kevin Milner



  • ReleasingApplications

    v10 v11  
    3232Commit this modified file to your release branch.
     34=== Tagging Specific Release ===
     35Once you've updated and committed ServerPrefs to the maintenance branch, you should tag the release. Create a tag from the release branch in the [source:tags/releases] directory with the name "release_<major>.<minor>.<build>". In this case you should use a fully qualified name, such as 1.2.0 instead of 1.2.x because this is a tag of an actual release, not a maintenance branch.
    3437=== Setup Tomcat production dir ===
    3538SSH into ! then navigate to the Tomcat development build directory (for more information see [wiki:TomcatConfig Tomcat Configuration]):
    5962To update the current release, first make sure all changes are in the release branch. If the changes that you need were developed in trunk, you'll need to merge the change into the release branch (and the commit it). If the change was made in the release branch and it's something you want to keep, you should merge it back to trunk.
    61 You should update the build number in the release branch as well, then commit the change. See [#UpdateBuildVersion Update Build Version] above.
     64You should update the build number in trunk as well, then commit the change, merge to updated build number to the release branch, and commit it. See [#UpdateBuildVersion Update Build Version] above.
     66Then tag the release, see [#TaggingSpecificRelease] above.
    6368Once the updates are in the release branch on SVN, you'll need to update the checked out copy on the server. SSH into ! then navigate to the Tomcat development build directory (for more information see [wiki:TomcatConfig Tomcat Configuration]):