wiki:RSQSim Batch Plot Gem

Version 2 (modified by Kevin Milner, 7 years ago) (diff)


RSQSim Batch Plot Gen

OpenSHA tool to generate a set of plots for quick analysis of RSQSim catalogs


First, download the latest jar file:

java -cp opensha-complete.jar scratch.kevin.simulators.plots.RSQSimBatchPlotGen
Missing required options: g, c, o
usage: RSQSimBatchPlotGen [-a] -c <arg> -g <arg> [-m <arg>] [-mas] [-mfd]
       [-n <arg>] -o <arg> [-pmfd] [-pri <arg>] [-s <arg>] [-ssri <arg>]
       [-tri <arg>] [-u <arg>]
 -a,--plot-all                  Flag to generate all plots
 -c,--catalog-file <arg>        Path to one of the .*List files, or a
                                directory containing them
 -g,--geometry-file <arg>       Geometry file
 -m,--min-mag <arg>             Minimum mag
nitude to load/plot (default is
                                load all)
 -mas,--mag-area-scaling        Magnitude area scaling plot.
 -mfd,--total-mfd               Plot total regional MFD
 -n,--name <arg>                Short name for this catalog for use in
                                plots (Default: RSQSim Catalog)
 -o,--output-dir <arg>          Output directory where plots should be
 -pmfd,--parent-sect-mfds       Plot parent section participation MFDs
 -pri,--parent-sect-ris <arg>   Parent section recurrence interval
                                distribution plots
 -s,--skip-years <arg>          Time in years to skip from the beginning
                                of the catalog, relative to the first
                                observed event time
 -ssri,--sub-sect-ris <arg>     Sub section RI CSV file and scatter (if U3
                                values supplied)
 -tri,--total-ri <arg>          Total recurrence interval distribution
 -u,--ucerf-sol <arg>           UCERF3 Fault System Solution file for

For example, to generate all plots for a catalog stored in ./test_catalog

java -cp opensha-complete.jar scratch.kevin.simulators.plots.RSQSimBatchPlotGen --geometry-file ./test_catalog/UCERF3.D3.1.1km.tri.2.flt --catalog-file ./test_catalog/ --output-dir example_plots/ --plot-all

Additional Arguments

UCERF3 Comparisons

If you wish to include UCERF3 comparisons, first download this file.

Then add this argument: --ucerf-sol /path/to/

Minimum Magnitude

To speed things by skipping small events, use the --min-mag <mag> argument

Skipping the first N years

To skip the first N years (during spin up), use the --skip-years <N> argument

Custom catalog name in plots

To name your catalog (will show up in legends/plot titles), use the --name <name> argument