Changes between Version 8 and Version 9 of FaultSystemSolution

Jan 27, 2014, 4:14:32 PM (11 years ago)
Kevin Milner



  • FaultSystemSolution

    v8 v9  
    203203In this example, '''[[span(style=color: #FF0000, the number of arrays (2 * the number of functions, interger) is in red)]]''', '''[[span(style=color: #0000FF, each array's size (integer) in blue)]]''', '''[[span(style=color: #00FFFF, x value array data (double values) are in cyan)]]''', and '''[[span(style=color: #FFBF00, y value array data (double values) are in orange)]]'''.
     205== Compound Fault System Solution Files ==
     206Compound Fault System Solution files are single zip files which contain all data for solutions for multiple UCERF3 Logic Tree Branches. This format takes advantage of the fact that many contain duplicate information, so that file is only written once. For example, rakes only depend on the Fault Model and Deformation Model (they are not, for example, dependent on the Spatial Seismicity Kernel). So one 'rakes.bin' file is stored for each combination of FM/DM, for example, "FM3_1_ZENGBB_rakes.bin'. The 'rates.bin' files, however, are unique to each logic tree branch and one is present for each branch. See the table below for a mapping the logic tree branch choices that each file type depends on.
     208||= File Name =||= Logic Tree Branch Levels =||
     212||fault_sections.xml||FM, DM||
     214||mags.bin||FM, DM, Scale||
     215||rakes.bin||FM, DM||
     217||rup_areas.bin||FM, DM||
     219||rup_avg_slips.bin||FM, DM, Scale||
     222||sect_areas.bin||FM, DM||
     223||sect_slips.bin||ALL BUT Dsr||
     224||sect_slips_std_dev.bin||ALL BUT Dsr||
     227||grid_sources.xml||ALL // old xml format||
     228||grid_sources_reg.xml||NONE // new binary format||
     229||grid_sources.bin||ALL // new binary format||