Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of DistCaches

Jun 10, 2014, 11:25:36 AM (10 years ago)
Kevin Milner



  • DistCaches

    v4 v5  
    3535== First Results and Sensitivity to Java Version ==
    37 These are the initial results comparing the multi cache with the given size and a 1 hour access expiration with the single cache.
     37These are the initial results comparing the multi cache with the given size and a 1 hour access expiration with the single cache. As you'll see, the single location cache performs best, and is actually fastest with a single thread than with multiple threads for the simple distance calculation test. When you switch to hazard calculation tests, multiple threads start to help but things are still fastest with the single location cache.
    3939||= '''Distance Test''' =||= '''Hazard Test''' =||
    4141||distance test, Java 6, multi cache with expiration||hazard test, Java 6, multi cache with expiration||
     43I was surprised that the guava multi cache performance was so poor, so I decided to try a more recent version of Java. The following plots show the exact same calculation, but with Java 7. It is immediately apparent that guava cache performance is very sensitive to Java version, and performs much better with Java 7. Additionally, even the single cache case sped up. I recommend we use Java 7 for all calculations.
     45||= '''Distance Test''' =||= '''Hazard Test''' =||
     47||distance test, Java 7, multi cache with expiration||hazard test, Java 7, multi cache with expiration||
     49== Performance of Expiration Time ==
     51I then ran the same Java 7 test as before, but with the multi cache expiration time disabled. Results are below.
     53||= '''Distance Test''' =||= '''Hazard Test''' =||
     55||distance test, Java 7, multi cache without expiration||hazard test, Java 7, multi cache without expiration||