
Version 4 (modified by shauser, 55 years ago) (diff)


OpenSHA Coding Standards

Anyone working on OpenSHA should strive to write efficient, well-documented, and testable code. To facilitate uniform presentation and encourage a high level of readability, several syntactic standards to which this project adheres are outlined below. Most of the recommended syntax configurations can be set within your IDE of choice.


Tabs : Use tabs, not spaces. This allows individuals to adjust indentation to their liking.

Line Length : Limit lines to 80 characters. Wrap long lines appropriately.

Line Wrapping : Indent wrapped lines with two tabs.

Code Blocks : Code contained within a containing block shall always be indented by a single tab from the containing block. When creating a new block of code (i.e. functions, loops, if-statements, etc...), the opening bracket "{" shall be on the same line as the start of the block and the closing bracket shall be on its own line aligned to the opening indentation of that block. This is true except for when the code block can fit entirely on a single line, in such a case it is allowable to do so however there should be sufficient space for a leading and trailing space between the code-block body and the brackets. For example:


public void foo () {
public boolean bar () { return true; }


public void foo ()
public boolean bar(){return true;}

Arguments/Parameters? : There shall be a single space character between the method name (or logical controller i.e. "for", "if", "while"), and the opening parenthesis "(", and additional white space between each argument. There shall not be white-space between the argument and its successive separator ("," or ";" etc...) nor shall there be white space between the enclosing parenthesis and its arguments. For example:


public void foo (String str, int k) {
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
    int j = 10;
    do {
    } while (j>0);    


public void foo( String str , int k ) {
    for(int i=0;i<10;++i){
    int j = 10;

Scoping Method/Member? Modifiers : All class members and methods should be fully scoped as applicable. That is, make use of "public"/"protected"/"private", "static", "final" etc... These should go in the order of (for example), public static final String CONST_MEMBER = "Foo";.

Coding for Efficiency

Pre- vs. Post- Increment/Decrement? : When using the pre-/post- increment/decrement operators, one should favor the "pre" form for byte-code efficiency unless the return value is being utilized. Most modern compilers should perform this optimization for you, but why be lazy? Example:


for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
int j = 0;
while (j < 10) {
    int previous = j++;
    // ... Work with "previous" and "j" ...
    // Where j = previous + 1


for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

Incremental Assignment : Use it. These are the "+=", "-=", "*=", "/=" operators. They can be used on any numerical primitive, and the "+=" can be used on the java.lang.String as well. These have been optimized for efficiency. Example:


int i = 10;
i += 20; // "i" is now 30.


int i = 10;
i = i + 20; // "i" is now 30.