Custom Query (454 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#399 fixed Reexamine default plot font sizes Kevin Milner

We may want to rethink our default fault sizes, especially since screens are getting higher and higher density. For example, Ned says that he is constantly increasing font sizes for plots.

#406 fixed Adjust Region(loc, loc) to handle potential rounding errors Peter Powers

When a Region(Location, Location) is initialized, it's north and east borders are expanded ever so slightly that contains() returns true. It turns out that double precision rounding errors can contribute to shifting the south and west borders such that nodes on those borders return false for contains(). The same 'inflation' logic should be applied there as well.

#415 fixed down dip spacing ignored in AbstractEvenlyGriddedSurface Peter Powers


	protected EvenlyGriddedSurfFromSimpleFaultData(FaultTrace faultTrace, double aveDip,
			double upperSeismogenicDepth, double lowerSeismogenicDepth, double maxGridSpacingAlong,
			double maxGridSpacingDown) throws
			FaultException {
		double length = faultTrace.getTraceLength();
		double gridSpacingAlong = length/Math.ceil(length/maxGridSpacingAlong);
		double downDipWidth = (lowerSeismogenicDepth-upperSeismogenicDepth)/Math.sin(aveDip*Math.PI/180 );
		double gridSpacingDown = downDipWidth/Math.ceil(downDipWidth/maxGridSpacingAlong);

		set(faultTrace, aveDip, upperSeismogenicDepth, lowerSeismogenicDepth, gridSpacingAlong, gridSpacingDown);

the maxGridSpacingDown isn't used, the along strike value is (mistakenly?) used instead.

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