Custom Query (454 matches)


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Results (85 - 87 of 454)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#409 fixed PEER Test Case Selector control panel Peter Powers Ned Field

In the Hazard Curve Calculator app is not working (problem with setting sites of interest?)

#408 fixed Problem with EvenlyDiscretizedFunc.getXIndex(double x) Peter Powers Ned Field

This is giving inconsistent mapping for double x values that are right on bin boundaries, and it comes down to the following code: (int) Math.round((x-minX)/delta).

For example, the following snippet:

double minX=6.05; double delta=0.1; double[] testVals = {6,6.1,6.2,6.3,6.4,6.5,6.6,6.7,6.8,6.9,7}; for(double x:testVals) {

int index = (int)Math.round((x-minX)/delta); double binCenter = minX+delta*index; System.out.println(x+"\tindex = "+index+"\tbinCenter="+binCenter);


gives the following results:

6.0 index = 0 binCenter=6.05 6.1 index = 0 binCenter=6.05 6.2 index = 2 binCenter=6.25 6.3 index = 3 binCenter=6.35 6.4 index = 4 binCenter=6.45 6.5 index = 5 binCenter=6.55 6.6 index = 5 binCenter=6.55 6.7 index = 7 binCenter=6.75 6.8 index = 8 binCenter=6.85 6.9 index = 9 binCenter=6.95 7.0 index = 10 binCenter=7.05

(nothing maps to the bin with index =1, and two values map to the bin with index 5)

Peter, it looks like you may have changed this bit of code from what it was originally?

This should have been caught by some Junit test.

#406 fixed Adjust Region(loc, loc) to handle potential rounding errors Peter Powers

When a Region(Location, Location) is initialized, it's north and east borders are expanded ever so slightly that contains() returns true. It turns out that double precision rounding errors can contribute to shifting the south and west borders such that nodes on those borders return false for contains(). The same 'inflation' logic should be applied there as well.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.