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Results (61 - 63 of 454)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#141 fixed Modify BugWindow to catch firewall related exceptions and display appropriate information Kevin Milner Kevin Milner

Currently firewall related exceptions will pop up the bug window GUI, prompting a user to submit a bug report (like #140). We should detect if the exception is firewall related, and if so pop up useful firewall information such as the hostnames and ports that need to be opened.

#142 fixed add option to create fault surfaces that preserve the original dimensions exactly Kevin Milner Kevin Milner

From Ned (when trac was down):

In your new SCEC VDO WGCEP implementation you create the gridded surfaces in org.scec.geo3d.library.wgcep.faults using either of the following:

return new FrankelGriddedSurface?(data, spacingParam.getValue()); return new StirlingGriddedSurface?(data, spacingParam.getValue());

These versions match the specified grid spacing exactly, meaning the surface is trimmed at the end (and bottom) if the total length (or DDW) is not equal to some integer times the grid spacing.

We have alternative constructors that will adjust the grid spacing down to preserve the original dimensions exactly:

return new FrankelGriddedSurface?(data, spacingParam.getValue(), spacingParam.getValue()); return new StirlingGriddedSurface?(data, spacingParam.getValue(), spacingParam.getValue());

(spacing given twice because it allows you to set the differently along strike and down dip)

Can we add this as an option to SCEC VDO?

Looks like the best way to do this is via your "Fault Settings" tab, where we add a boolean parameter "Fit Grid Spacing Exactly" with a mouse-over info string that says "Fitting exactly will trim ends, whereas not will adjust the grid spacing down enough to fit exactly"

#143 fixed add deformation model selection to the Sub Section 2.0/3.0 plugin Kevin Milner Kevin Milner

From E-mail Chain:

Hmm (lots of options).

I think the second might be a little less confusing since it avoids all the "Unique to this model" type options.

Thanks for doing this (I need it to verify some UCERF3 stuff ASAP).

On Feb 7, 2011, at 4:23 PM, Kevin Milner wrote:


Currently it's not using a specific deformation model, but all fault sections. For example, you can see that Anacapa -Dume Alt 1 & 2 are both listed. If you'd prefer to just list faults for a specific DM, we can do it one of two ways:

1) As a tree, like the DM plugin. 2) A drop down box underneath the UCERF2/3 DB selection.

What would you like me to do?


On 02/07/2011 03:18 PM, Ned Field wrote:


In the new implementation of the subsections plotter (Sub Sections 2.0/3.0), it's not clear what deformation model is being used.

It seems that rather than choosing UCERF2 vs UCERF3, one should choose deformation model 2.1, 2.2, ... (or 3.x in the case of UCERF3)

Anyway, do you know which deformation model is being used in the "UCERF2" case?



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