Custom Query (454 matches)


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Results (61 - 63 of 454)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#433 invalid user name ? karim.tarbali@…

Hi I have received my password and confirmation of being added to the openSHA mailing list. Could you please let me know what is my user name to log in to site. I use my email , but it did not work. Could you please help me on this. Thanks Kind regards, Karim

#432 fixed Add legend support to GraphPanel Kevin Milner

It would be nice to have legend support in GraphPanel?. You would need to be able to specify location as well.

#431 fixed Improve Dashed and Dotted lines in JFreeChart plots Kevin Milner Kevin Milner

E-mail from Ned:

The DASHED and DOTTED options in our implementation are not working.

e.g., launch:


click "Plot-Dist", and change to dashed under "Plot Prefs".

I played around with settings and nothing looks good (e.g., curves have uneven dashes and spacing, even appearing solid on some parts).

I think the problem is that JfreeChart? is plotting each line segment separately (e.g., selecting a line in Illustrator will only get you the local line segment).

Reading this post:

it looks like we are using the outdated:


whereas they now recommend using:


The latter has a method setDrawSeriesLineAsPath(boolean flag) that I think may solve our problem.

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