Custom Query (454 matches)


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Results (49 - 51 of 454)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#448 fixed Fix empty sources with UCERF3 Time Dependence and Aleatory Mag Variability enabled Ned Field Kevin Milner

This is causing our nightly tests to fail, ticket left as a reminder to Ned to fix. Basically it you set the probability model to U3 BPT and aleatory mag variability non-zero, an exception will be thrown due to an empty source when updating the forecast.

#447 fixed Shutdown RMI and remove references to remote apps on prior to 1.3 release Kevin Milner

With the 1.3 release the remote applications will finally be gone. Here are the things that need to be done:

  1. Remove RMI startup from tomcat scripts (KEVIN)
  2. Remove RMI up/down test from operational JUnit tests (KEVIN)
  3. Remove references to remote apps on (PETER)
  4. Set any RMI related classes in trunk to deprecated (KEVIN)
#446 fixed Finish QuadSurface implementation and tests Kevin Milner

QuadSurface? has been mostly finished and tested but final test thresholds need to be set for comparisons against evenly gridded representations. Also, Peter thinks the DistanceX calculation could be more efficient

Quoting Peter on 12/10/13

Kevin, I looked into you're QuadSurface? implementation of rX. I think both the current gridded implementation and yours are overkill. rX can be computed completely independently of quads and rotations. Assuming the right-hand-rule is adhered to in fault and dip definitions, then I think the code below would work.

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