Custom Query (45 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone Component
#500 Replace Java Web Start with alternative app deployment platform new Kevin Milner task build-process
#264 Refactor reverse dependencies in org.opensha.commons new Peter Powers defect OpenSHA 1.4 commons
#270 Refactor custom sha exceptions as JRE exceptions new Peter Powers enhancement OpenSHA 2.0 commons
#341 Tolerance is inconsitant for ArbitrarilyDiscretizedFunctions new Kevin Milner defect OpenSHA 1.4 commons
#387 increase geometric flexibility of regions new Peter Powers enhancement OpenSHA 2.0 commons
#75 write JUnit tests for fault database new Kevin Milner task fault DB
#83 review paleo sites gui new Kevin Milner defect fault DB
#246 add input validation to fault sections db app new Kevin Milner defect fault DB
#21 Implement persistence in applications new Peter Powers enhancement OpenSHA 2.0 sha
#23 Geographic disaggregation new Peter Powers enhancement OpenSHA 1.4 sha
#36 Standardize use of linearDistanceFast vs linearDistance assigned Kevin Milner defect OpenSHA 1.4 sha
#86 make hazard calculations threaded new Kevin Milner enhancement OpenSHA 2.0 sha
#93 Stochastic Event Set calculations should support IMR/TRT mapping assigned Kevin Milner defect OpenSHA 1.4 sha
#94 Create user guide for Hazard Curve Application new Peter Powers task OpenSHA 1.4 sha
#106 Resolve XYZ dataset path forward new Peter Powers task OpenSHA 1.4 sha
#292 Let users enable/disable developmental/experimental ERFs/IMRs from a Control Panel new Peter Powers enhancement OpenSHA 2.0 sha
#333 Independent jUnit tests for distance params new Kevin Milner enhancement OpenSHA 1.4 sha
#352 Revamp Application Framework new Peter Powers defect OpenSHA 1.4 sha
#435 NSHMP CEUS 2008 IMR doesn't work in apps new Peter Powers defect OpenSHA 1.4 sha
#438 McVerry and Zhao et al have problematic code to find middle of rupture surface new defect OpenSHA 1.4 sha
#444 Rethink MultiIMR.getMean()/getStdDev() averaging new defect OpenSHA 1.4 sha
#459 Cannot checkout the branch new defect sha
#467 Investigate performance inplications of current ArbitrarilyDiscretizedFunction implementation new Kevin Milner task sha
#473 Bug in HazardSpectrumLocal new defect sha
#484 Bug in GCIM_HazardCurve new defect OpenSHA 2.0 sha
#495 Bug in HazardSpectrumLocal new defect sha
#497 Improve bug report process to urge user to give e-mail/steps to reproduce new defect OpenSHA 1.4 sha
#498 Bug in GEM1 NSHMP SE Asia ERF new defect sha
#499 ASK 2014 doesn't work with zero width sources new defect sha
#502 Frankel96_CAL_all.txt new defect sha
#503 Bug in HazardCurveLocal new defect sha
#504 Bug in HazardCurveLocal new defect sha
#505 Bug in ScenarioShakeMapLocal new defect sha
#506 Bug in HazardCurveLocal new defect sha
#507 Bug in HazardCurveLocal new defect sha
#509 Bug in GCIM_HazardCurve new defect sha
#510 Bug in GCIM_HazardCurve new defect sha
#512 Bug in GCIM_HazardCurve new defect sha
#513 Bug in GCIM_HazardCurve new defect sha
#514 Bug in HazardSpectrumLocal new defect sha
#293 Implement Monte Carlo Portfolio LEC Calculator new Kevin Milner defect sra
#346 remove duplicate Asset/Portfolio classes in SRA package new Kevin Milner defect sra
#351 Loss Estimation Application doesn't work with new vulnerabilities new Kevin Milner defect sra
#367 Bug in LossEstimationApp new Kevin Milner defect sra
#133 add news section to web page to post news items such as releases/publications reopened Peter Powers defect OpenSHA 2.0 website
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.