Custom Query (20 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Milestone Component
#75 write JUnit tests for fault database new task major fault DB
#83 review paleo sites gui new defect major fault DB
#246 add input validation to fault sections db app new defect major fault DB
#293 Implement Monte Carlo Portfolio LEC Calculator new defect major sra
#346 remove duplicate Asset/Portfolio classes in SRA package new defect major sra
#351 Loss Estimation Application doesn't work with new vulnerabilities new defect major sra
#367 Bug in LossEstimationApp new defect major sra
#467 Investigate performance inplications of current ArbitrarilyDiscretizedFunction implementation new task major sha
#500 Replace Java Web Start with alternative app deployment platform new task major build-process
#22 Verify WG02 Fortan Code new task minor OpenSHA 2.0 sha
#48 Verify tutorials/manual new task minor OpenSHA 2.0 website
#70 make SCEC-VDO plugin's stateful new enhancement minor OpenSHA 2.0 SCEC-VDO Plugins
#86 make hazard calculations threaded new enhancement major OpenSHA 2.0 sha
#96 Add tolerance to XYZ_DataSet and implementations new task minor OpenSHA 2.0 commons
#235 Have trac automatic mailing sent to mailing list where people can subscribe/unsubscrive new enhancement minor OpenSHA 2.0 trac site
#245 Improve applications ability to fail gracefully when network connection absent new enhancement minor OpenSHA 2.0 sha
#36 Standardize use of linearDistanceFast vs linearDistance assigned defect major OpenSHA 1.4 sha
#93 Stochastic Event Set calculations should support IMR/TRT mapping assigned defect major OpenSHA 1.4 sha
#333 Independent jUnit tests for distance params new enhancement major OpenSHA 1.4 sha
#341 Tolerance is inconsitant for ArbitrarilyDiscretizedFunctions new defect major OpenSHA 1.4 commons
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