Custom Query (53 matches)


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Status: assigned (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#36 Standardize use of linearDistanceFast vs linearDistance Kevin Milner defect major sha
#93 Stochastic Event Set calculations should support IMR/TRT mapping Kevin Milner defect major sha

Status: closed (33 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#146 Adjust longitude behavior in Location Peter Powers enhancement major sha
#155 Add test to nightly build that launches each app Kevin Milner enhancement minor build-process
#394 address discrepancy of hasPoint(x, y) behaviour in XY_DataSet implementations defect major commons
#395 Clean up documentation for XY_DataSet/DiscretizedFunc classes Kevin Milner defect major commons
#400 AbstractXY_DataSet.getClosestX(double y) Kevin Milner defect minor sha
#432 Add legend support to GraphPanel enhancement major commons
#446 Finish QuadSurface implementation and tests defect major sha
#449 Update "Server Is Down" error message to include possibility of new release defect major commons
#450 Make operational test check that released versions of servlets work defect major build-process
#451 EnumParameter can't be serialized with servlets. defect major sha
#452 Add latest CVM-H basin depth models, with and without geotechnical layer Kevin Milner enhancement major commons
#453 NGA2 Wrapper Period Parameter inconsistencies defect major sha
#457 Add solid bar option to PlotLineType enhancement major commons
#458 Create Tornado Diagram plotting classes Kevin Milner enhancement major commons
#461 Servlets not updated on production tomcat instance defect critical commons
#462 write class to fetch precomputed EALs for each rupture in a branch averaged solution Kevin Milner defect major UCERF3
#463 Get better high resolution CA topography files Kevin Milner defect major commons
#464 Add option for using histogram x values in plots instead of starting at zero defect major commons
#465 new surface distance caching implementations Kevin Milner enhancement major sha
#466 HazardCurveCalculator casts all curves to ArbitrarilyDiscretizedFunction but takes DiscretizedFunction defect major sha
#475 Compilation issue with Java 8 defect major sha
#476 Create Attenuation Relationship Modification classes task major sha
#477 Add cloning and moving methods to RuptureSurface Kevin Milner defect major sha
#479 Add option for dynamic memory detection to batch launch scripts enhancement major commons
#481 Update simulator parsers/writers to version 0.6 task major sha
#482 Reorganize simulator packages, separate parsers/writers from analysis code enhancement major sha
#483 General_EQSim_Tools assumes section IDs are continuous defect major sha
#485 Create framework for converting IM Components Kevin Milner defect major sha
#487 Users with cached JNLP files for retired server mode applications do not get update notice Kevin Milner enhancement major sha
#488 Add interpolation capabilities to GMT web service defect major commons
#489 Add contour map capabilities to GMT web service defect major commons
#492 Add NGAWest2's to Attenuation Relationship Plotter Kevin Milner enhancement major sha
#508 Mag Freq Dist App won't plot after Clear-Plot Called defect major sha

Status: new (17 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#23 Geographic disaggregation Peter Powers enhancement major sha
#94 Create user guide for Hazard Curve Application Peter Powers task major sha
#104 Add analytics and download/launch tracking to website Peter Powers enhancement minor website
#105 Investigate computation of Strike and Dip in PlaneUtils Peter Powers task minor sha
#106 Resolve XYZ dataset path forward Peter Powers task major sha
#149 Clean Parameters of unused constructors Peter Powers enhancement minor sha
#150 Clean Parameter implementations and subclasses of duplicate methods Peter Powers enhancement minor sha
#264 Refactor reverse dependencies in org.opensha.commons Peter Powers defect major commons
#317 Centralize application preferences Peter Powers enhancement minor sha
#333 Independent jUnit tests for distance params Kevin Milner enhancement major sha
#341 Tolerance is inconsitant for ArbitrarilyDiscretizedFunctions Kevin Milner defect major commons
#352 Revamp Application Framework Peter Powers defect major sha
#407 Consider nesting enum inside enumParams enhancement minor sha
#435 NSHMP CEUS 2008 IMR doesn't work in apps Peter Powers defect major sha
#438 McVerry and Zhao et al have problematic code to find middle of rupture surface defect major sha
#444 Rethink MultiIMR.getMean()/getStdDev() averaging defect major sha
#497 Improve bug report process to urge user to give e-mail/steps to reproduce defect major sha

Status: reopened (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#10 Identify potential OpenSHA optimizations Peter Powers task minor sha
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.