Custom Query (14 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Priority Milestone Component
#10 Identify potential OpenSHA optimizations reopened Peter Powers minor OpenSHA 1.4 sha
#22 Verify WG02 Fortan Code new Kevin Milner minor OpenSHA 2.0 sha
#48 Verify tutorials/manual new Kevin Milner minor OpenSHA 2.0 website
#96 Add tolerance to XYZ_DataSet and implementations new Kevin Milner minor OpenSHA 2.0 commons
#97 Implement Banded Disaggregation new Peter Powers minor OpenSHA 2.0 sha
#105 Investigate computation of Strike and Dip in PlaneUtils new Peter Powers minor OpenSHA 1.4 sha
#127 Review data storage/versioning new Peter Powers minor OpenSHA 2.0 sha
#181 Write up guide fro MFD Plotter new Peter Powers minor OpenSHA 2.0 sha
#269 TranslatedDoubleWarningParameter necessary? new Peter Powers minor OpenSHA 2.0 sha
#75 write JUnit tests for fault database new Kevin Milner major fault DB
#94 Create user guide for Hazard Curve Application new Peter Powers major OpenSHA 1.4 sha
#106 Resolve XYZ dataset path forward new Peter Powers major OpenSHA 1.4 sha
#467 Investigate performance inplications of current ArbitrarilyDiscretizedFunction implementation new Kevin Milner major sha
#500 Replace Java Web Start with alternative app deployment platform new Kevin Milner major build-process
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.