Custom Query (17 matches)


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Status: closed (17 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#441 EnumParameter doesn't implement setIndividualParamValueFromXML, cannot be set from XML defect critical fixed
#434 Add XYZ plotting capabilities Kevin Milner task major fixed
#431 Improve Dashed and Dotted lines in JFreeChart plots Kevin Milner defect major fixed
#424 Add text annotation capabilities to GraphPanel Kevin Milner enhancement major fixed
#423 Add subplot capability to GraphPanel enhancement major fixed
#422 Refactor GraphPanel/GraphWindow class defect major fixed
#406 Adjust Region(loc, loc) to handle potential rounding errors enhancement minor fixed
#403 **** SPAM **** defect major 1.2.3 invalid
#399 Reexamine default plot font sizes defect major fixed
#393 Unit tests for XY_DataSet implementations Kevin Milner defect major fixed
#382 GriddedGeoDataSet performance Kevin Milner defect major fixed
#381 getInterpolatedY in EvenlyGriddedFunction should use math to find indices, not a loop enhancement major fixed
#373 EnumParameter cone() method doesn't set name or value defect major fixed
#340 Add ArrayList backed Point2DToleranceSortedList & tests to make ArbitrarilyDiscretizedFunction's faster Kevin Milner defect major fixed
#334 Implement general getFractionInside method and tests Kevin Milner defect major fixed
#327 Replace LocationParameter Kevin Milner defect major fixed
#319 add batch processing to Site Data app Kevin Milner enhancement major fixed
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.